This blog is for Polk County Florida small farms and pesticide applicators as a method of communication and sharing information. This blog is administered by the University of Florida IFAS Extension Polk County Extension Agent, Mary Beth Henry.
Friday, November 30, 2012
ARS Newslink
USDA Agricultural Research Service
November 30, 2012
Stopping flies before they mature:
An insect growth regulator is one of the latest technologies USDA scientists are adding to their arsenal to help fight house flies that spread bacteria to food. (11/26)
"Shotgun sequencing" of wheat genome:
USDA scientists and cooperators have completed a "shotgun sequencing" of the wheat genome. The achievement is expected to increase wheat yields, help feed the world and speed up development of wheat varieties with enhanced nutritional value. (11/28)
Tracking E. coli bacteria:
USDA scientists have identified sources of Escherichia coli bacteria that could help restore the reputation of local livestock. Studies suggest that in some parts of California, pathogens in local waterways are more often carried there via runoff from urban areas, not from animal production facilities. (11/29)
Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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ARS News Service, Information Staff, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 | Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486
Thursday, November 29, 2012
IFAS in the News
Lionfish Population in Florida Continues to Grow
Autopsy: Roach-Eating Champ Died Choking on Bug Parts, Vomit
Reports Coming in About Whitefly Swarms
Extension Connection: Keeping Food Safe (Potluck Party Tips)
Herbs: Seasonings for "The Season"
Of Interest...
Reports Finds Water Pollution in Florida Costs Up to $10.5 Billion, Annually
Palestinians Certain to Win Recognition as a State
Japan's Retail Sales Fall in October as Car Sales Drop: Economy
Waging a Crusade Against Stinkin' Thinkin'
Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?
Tom Nordlie
Bldg. 116, UF main campus
(352) 273-3567
8-14 day Weather Outlook
With the crop slowing down and cooler temperature, blueberry growers are discussing when to apply hydrogen cyanamide. NWS Melbourne, FL sent a statement out today that there should be lower than normal temperatures for the Florida peninsula the second week of December (see link below). Remember this is only an outlook but could be a useful tool in planning upcoming activities in the field.
Please let me know if you have any questions and don’t forget to register for Winter Weather School ( ) scheduled for December 6 in Tavares.
Thank you,
Gary K. England
Multi-County Extension Agent III – Fruit Crops
Lake County Extension
1951 Woodlea Road
Tavares, FL 32778
(352) 343-4101 Ext. 2729
(352) 343-2767 Fax
Forages of Florida app added to IFAS Mobile app
I’m pleased to announce that the Forages of Florida app, Grasses and Legumes for Florida, has been added to the IFAS Mobile site. Use your mobile device to go to to see the updated site. Forages of Florida was conceived and developed under the sponsorship of Yoana Newman, Extension Forage Specialist, Agronomy Department. The main site is
Daniel H Cromer Jr
Director of Information Technology
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)
University of Florida
FW: Opening for Aquatic Technician in South Florida

From: Florida aquatic plant managers, researchers, and agency personnel [mailto:CAIP-FL-AQUATICS@LISTS.IFAS.UFL.EDU] On Behalf Of Brown,Karen P
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 6:16 PM
Subject: FW: Opening for Aquatic Technician in South Florida
See attached.
From: Jim Williams []
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:34 AM
The Lake Doctors, Inc.
Winter Springs, FL 32708
407-327-1080 | Corporate
407-327-7930 | Fax
1-800-666-LAKE (5253)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
IFAS in the News
High Tunnels Yield Better Blueberries
Boosting Local Agriculture
Drones Above
Banana Plague Decimates Crops, Threatens US Supermarket Supply
Agriculture Vital to Hillsborough County Economy
Of Interest...
After Meeting With Susan Rice, Republican Senators Say They Aren't Reassured
Intrigue Over Mars Finding Fuels Rumours
In Hawaii, a Coral Reef Infection Has Biologists Alarmed,0,4893429.story?track=lat-pick
Northern California to Be Lashed With Heavy Rains, Wind
New Nuclear Engine Could Power Deep-Space Exploration
Oceans Fail the Acid Test as Carbon Emissions Rise
Floridians' Consumer Confidence Drops Post-Election
Tom Nordlie
Bldg. 116, UF main campus
(352) 273-3567
Monday, November 26, 2012
Upcoming Programs
You may be interested in these upcoming programs and opportunities.
November 29, 30: Sakata Field Trials. Ft. Myers, FL. Please see attachment for details.
December 4: Suwanee Valley Watermelon Institute. Please see attachment for details.
December 10: Core and Private Applicator Training and Exam: Manatee County Extension Service
Core 9am-11am, Private 11am-1pm, Manatee County Extension Service, Palmetto, FL.
Two exam prep classes will be held to help you prepare for the Core and Private Applicator RUP license exams. Exams will be offered immediately following the Private class. However, you do not have to take the exams the same day. You may schedule a time to take the exams at your convenience.
If you are already a license holder, 2 CEUs in Core and 2 in Private are offered for both classes, respectively. Light snacks will be offered.
For details and registration visit:
December 12: Winter Peach Pruning Workshop
DATE: December 12, 2012
TIME: 9:00 AM – Noon (approximate)
LOCATION: Indian River Research and Education Center, 2199 South Rock Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945-3138. We will have the main auditorium reserved, and you can enter into the main entrance on the right.
BRING: Please bring a set of clean pruners or loppers for the hands-on section of the workshop.
Please RSVP by November 23rd, 2012 so that we can get a good head count and arrange for transportation out to the orchard behind IRREC.
If you have any questions, please contact Mercy Olmstead at
or Dr. Jose Chaparro know (
December 17: WPS Train-The-Trainer. Manatee County Extension Service.
Need CEU’s?
The WPS TTT workshop provides CEUs in several categories. Even if you don’t need to be WPS certified, don’t miss this opportunity for CEUs. CEUs available: 2 in the following categories: Aerial, Ag. Row, Ag. Tree, O&T, Private, Forest Pest Control, and Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation.
Need to become a WPS certified Trainer?
The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is a federal program designed to protect agricultural farm workers in the production of agricultural plants. A person is qualified to teach WPS to farm workers if he/she holds a restricted use pesticide license or if he/she has completed the WPS Train the trainer course. Once a person has completed the course he/she is certified for life.
For details and registration visit:
February 21: Florida Strawberry Expo. Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. Details to follow.
February 27: New Technology for Commercial Vegetable Production. Teleconference program. Several locations will be hosting. Up to 5 CEUs available in Ag. Row, Private, and Demo and Research. Please see attachment for agenda. Stay tuned for location details
2013 Hydroponics Short Course: See attachment for details.
Leathers Melon Company, Inc. is currently searching for watermelon growers for the upcoming 2013 spring watermelon season.
You may contact Jim @ 573-275-6109 or Joey @ 239-410-6403 or the office @ 863-675-6722.
Job Announcement: Sarasota-based FL Farm to School Coordinator Position
This regional UF position will be based out of the Sarasota County Extension office. It is for a full-time Coordinator who will provide district-wide leadership and support of the FL Farm to School program’s goals and objectives in each of the five University of Florida IFAS’s Extension Districts.
The Coordinator will promote and expand Farm to School activities at the multi-county level within an extensive and diverse statewide network of school authorities, parents, and children; farmers and distributors; University of Florida Extension faculty and administrators; staff of federal and state agencies; and representatives from other public and private organizations.
Responsibilities include supporting county and state faculty in the design and development of nutrition education and/or agricultural production training programs to support Farm to School program priorities, maintaining communication among team members as well as designing, leading and participating in extension trainings, outreach events and team meetings.
For details on the salary and qualifications of this position, please, see
Crystal Snodgrass, M.S.
Extension Agent, Vegetables
Manatee County Government
University of Florida IFAS Extension
941-722-4524, Ext. 230
Fax: 941-721-6796
November MarketMaker Newsletter - Florida
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Weekly Harvest, November 21, 2012
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ARS Newslink
USDA Agricultural Research Service
November 23, 2012
Protecting troops from sand flies:
USDA scientists are helping deployed American troops protect themselves against sand flies, which are major pests in Afghanistan, Africa and the Middle East. Sand flies are vectors of Leishmania parasites that cause leishmaniasis, a devastating disease for which there is no vaccine or medication. (11/19)
Producing peaches with less water:
USDA scientists are helping peach growers make the most of dwindling water supplies in California's San Joaquin Valley. The researchers have found a way to reduce the amount of water given post-harvest to early-season peaches so that the reduction has a minimal effect on yield and fruit quality. (11/21)
Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at
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* Other ARS news products are available by e-mail. For details about them or to subscribe, please contact the ARS News Service or visit
ARS News Service, Information Staff, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 | Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486
Friday, November 16, 2012
ARS Newslink
USDA Agricultural Research Service
November 16, 2012
Battling insects to protect troops:
As part of ongoing studies to protect U.S. troops from disease-causing insects, USDA scientists are studying toxic sugar-based baits to lure and kill mosquitoes, and are evaluating insecticides and designing innovative technology to fight biting insects and arthropods. (11/13)
Turning grass into fire logs:
Artificial logs that create a cheerful and welcoming blaze in your fireplace can be made from a perhaps surprising source: grass clippings. USDA scientists have shown that lawn clippings can be mixed with other natural compounds to yield ecofriendly fire logs that burn brightly and evenly. (11/15)
Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at
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* To change the address, please notify the ARS News Service at
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* Other ARS news products are available by e-mail. For details about them or to subscribe, please contact the ARS News Service or visit
ARS News Service, Information Staff, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 | Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486
IFAS in the News
UF Scientists Nearing Crazy Ant Cure
UF Researchers Offer Advice on Crazy Ants
Strategies to Control Crazy Ants Taking Shape for Researchers
UF Coming Up With Ways to Control Crazy Ant Populations
Deadly Mushrooms Could Be Growing in Your Backyard
Lifetime of Work in Agriculture Recognized
Farm Tour Highlights Equine Industry
The Garden Scribe: Select Hedges Emerge to Replace Whitefly-Infested Ficus
Garden Q&A: Christmas Cactus Might Need Some Fertilizer or a Break From Direct Sunlight
"Little Gem" Magnolia a Mini Beauty
Of Interest...
Gaza Cease-Fire Collapses, Egypt PM Backs Palestinians as Israel Drafts 16,000 Reservists
Caffeinated Drink Cited in Reports of 13 Deaths
Hostess, Maker of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, Says Closing Business
Tom Nordlie
Bldg. 116, UF main campus
(352) 273-3567
Thursday, November 15, 2012
IFAS in the news, 11/15
Good morning. Today’s IFAS news roundup:
25 years later, UF biotech center still producing genomic breakthroughs
Interim president named for Coppin State (CALS grad)
Pahokee health fair set for Saturday (Palm Beach/EFNAP)
Southern Belles make for a winter wonderland-scape (Clay)
Community Briefs (Clay – 2nd item)
UF, local and national:
Search committee preps for UF presidency hopefuls
University of Florida graduate students seek to end fees, rally outside Library West
BP near settlement with U.S. over Gulf spill
Alzheimer’s Tied to Mutation Harming Immune Response
Commentary: Why search for UF president matters to all of Florida
GIF takes Word of the Year Title for 2012
Trader Joe’s set to open on Dec. 12 (Alachua)
Yankees may bring minor league team to Ocala
The Giving Exchange: How you can help (Alachua)
Chamber's Shop GNV campaign runs Thursday through Sunday (Alachua)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Whole-farm insurance webinar Nov. 29
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