|  | Conference Registration Fee | Early Registration extended to: July 21, 2014 | After July 21 | Friday and Saturday Attendee | $150 | $200 | Friday Only Attendee | $75 | $125 | Saturday Only Attendee | $100 | $150 | Optional Pre-conference Tours (Friday, August 1) | Register by July 21 2014 or until tour is full | Livestock Tour | $25 | Urban Farming Tour | Tour is Full | Farm to Chef Tour | Tour is Full | What the Registration Fee Includes Friday and Saturday: Provides full participation in the educational sessions at the OHP; access to the exhibits including Friday evening Exhibit Preview and Opening Reception, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday lunch. Friday or Saturday (One day): Provides participation in that day's educational and networking activities. Optional Pre-conference Tour: Provides full participation in the pre-conference tour of your choosing, transportation, and refreshments as indicated with each tour description. Tour space is limited, and restricted to attendees registering for the conference. Register Today! | * General Information: Mandy Stage, 352-392-5930, mstage@ufl.edu * Sponsorship Opportunities: Bob Hochmuth, 386-362-1725, bobhoch@ufl.edu * Exhibitor Information: Derek Barber, 386- 752-5384, dlbarber@ufl.edu * Educational Session Content : Danielle Treadwell, 352-273-4775, ddtreadw@ufl.edu * Poster Presentation: Dan Fenneman, 850-973-4138, dfenneman@ufl.edu * Florida Food Products: - Jim DeValerio, 904-966-6299, jtd@ufl.edu - Jessica Sullivan, 321- 697-3000, sullivan@ufl.edu | | | About Small Farms & Alternative Enterprises |  A statewide team of UF and FAMU cooperative extension service faculty and staff host a farming resources website with information such as "getting started" and"marketing" as well as links to valuable sources, and much more. In addition to the statewide conference, the Small Farms team also coordinates several regional workshops, and working groups that meet periodically on operating small farms. Visit the Small Farms & Alternative Enterprises website to access these helpful resources and further information about farming in Florida. Visit the Calendar of Events section of the website to view upcoming educational programs offered in your region and throughout the state, including: July 20-23, 2014 - The Realities of Growing Plants Indoors | | | | | |  | | |
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