Monday, April 30, 2012

PMN Update #123

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Plant Management Network News
Number 123: April 27, 2012




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From the Network ...

Focus on Tomato: A New PMN Webcast Resource!

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The Plant Management Network is pleased to welcome Focus on Tomato into its family of crop management resources. Focus on Tomato is led by Dr. Tom Zitter at Cornell and Dr. Mike Davis at UC Davis, and features multidisciplinary webcasts on tomato management. Focus on Tomato currently includes six presentations covering topics such as methyl bromide alternatives, diagnostic tools, grafting, fertility, and tomato diseases. PMN would like to thank Focus on Tomato's supporters for helping to fund this important resource for the tomato industry.


Marrone Bio Innovations Joins the PMN Partners Program

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The Plant Management Network welcomes Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI) as its latest industry partner. MBI is a leading global provider of natural products for the agricultural and water treatment markets. Its effective and environmentally friendly natural agricultural products − such as their Regalia biofungicide and Grandevo insecticide − provide higher yields and quality while managing pesticide resistance and residues. Learn more about MBI. Contact Phil Bogdan to learn how your company, university, or nonprofit can benefit through the PMN partners program.


Field Crops Rust Symposium Proceedings Published by PMN

The Plant Management Network has published the proceedings for the 2011 Field Crops Rust Symposium held in San Antonio, Texas, December 14-16. This collection of presentations, posters, and abstracts includes information on rusts for various field crops, including corn, soybean, wheat, barley grass, sunflower, sugarcane, rice, peanut, and switchgrass. These online proceedings include talks, posters and poster abstracts, a photo gallery, and the FCRS program book.
View proceedings. Contact Phil Bogdan at or 651-994-3859 to publish your proceedings at PMN.


Plant Disease Management Reports: Volume Six

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The latest volume of Plant Disease Management Reports (PDMR) is now online. Volume 6 contains 394 new reports on the efficacy of crop protection products labeled for various hosts, including field crops, vegetables, fruits, citrus, nuts, trees and ornamentals, turfgrasses, and forages. Learn more about PDMR, and subscribe to PMN for $10 off the regular $45 price. Use coupon code PDMR10 during the checkout process in PMN's Yahoo! Store. Need an institutional subscription? Inquire here.


PDMR Now Accepting 2nd Submissions for Volume 6 (2012)

As in the past, PDMR is publishing two installments, allowing authors to submit reports twice a year. Second submissions are due to the editor-in-chief for assignment by May 21, 2012. Publication charges are $40 per report and are payable with submission of the final approved report by July 16, 2012. Submission form, instructions, and procedure can be found at:


Arthropod Management Tests 2011 Now Available at PMN

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The 2011 volume of Arthropod Management Tests (Vol. 36) includes 338 reports on various insecticides and miticides on the market. It joins the previous years' volumes at PMN, beginning with 2005. AMT is an annual publication of the Entomological Society of America.


RSS Feeds for PMN's Webcasts

Subscribe to PMN's "Focus on" webcast feeds to hear about our commodity-specific crop management webcasts as soon as they launch. Visit, and sign up for your choice of corn, potato, soybean, and/or tomato feeds.


2012 Impact Statements for PMN's Peer-Reviewed Journals

Impact statements for all four Plant Management Network journals − Applied Turfgrass Science, Crop Management, Forage and Grazinglands, andPlant Health Progress − have been updated for 2012. Consider publishing your work in these high-quality, peer-reviewed journals to reach agricultural and horticultural scientists. Visit our call for papers for more information.


Focus on Corn Webcast Features No-Till

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No-tillage corn production provides many advantages for soils. Understanding the benefits and challenges of no-tillage corn, are critical to maximizing yield and benefits of no-tillage corn. In the latest Focus on Corn presentation, Chad Lee, Grain Crops Extension Specialist at the University of Kentucky, explains no-till corn production, offers a brief history of the practice, covers the benefits and disadvantage of no-till corn production, and offers some key management notes. View Presentation.


New Soybean Webcast Addresses Herbicide Resistance Management

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The threat of herbicide-resistant weeds to crop production makes sustainable weed and herbicide management a high-priority issue. "Herbicide Resistance Management in Soybean," the latest Focus on Soybean webcast authored by Dr. Wes Everman at North Carolina State University, discusses current practices available to combat herbicide resistance, factors to consider when developing a weed management program, and future management options. View presentation.


Focus on Potato Webcast Discusses Internal Heat Necrosis

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Internal Heat Necrosis, or IHN, can be an economically significant problem, particularly in the Mid-Atlantic and southern United States. In this latest Focus on Potato talk, Dr. Craig Yencho at North Carolina State University discusses IHN's symptoms and control, risk of IHN development, models to predict occurrence, and varietal resistance. View presentation.


Last Month's Most Popular Articles

Applied Turfgrass Science − Interest, Incentives, and Education Towards Organic Golf Course Management: A Study of Utah Golf Course Superintendents Summary | Article

Crop Management − Effect of Planting Methods on Spring Canola (Brassica napus L.) Establishment and Yield in the Low-Rainfall Region of the Pacific Northwest Summary | Article

Forage and Grazinglands − Nitrogen Fertilization Affects Economic Return from Crabgrass Hay Summary | Article

Plant Health Progress − Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes for Resistance to Three Seed-borne Diseases Summary | Article

Forage and Grazinglands

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Leaf Damage in Cool-season Grasses Subjected to Simulated Hoof Pressures Summary | Article

Planting Date Affects Rainfed Sorghum Forage Yields in Semiarid, Subtropical Environments Summary | Article


Plan for Possibility of Forage Shortage for Cows Article

New Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online Article

Woodland Grazing Article

Armyworms on the Attack in Arkansas Pastures Article

Irrigation, Soil Moisture Monitoring Good Bets for Forage Producers Article

Water Source, Soil Moisture All Considerations for Assembling Forage Irrigation System Article

Ergot Can Cause Lambing Problems Article

Cattle Bloat Appearing Early Article




New Articles from . . .

Applied Turfgrass Science - Crop Management
Forage and Grazinglands - Plant Health Progress

Plant Health Progress

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Vegetable Seedling Diseases Associated with Earthworm Castings Contaminated with Phytophthora capsici and Pythium attrantheridium Summary | Article

Interactive Effects of Fungicide, Application Timing, and Spray Volume on Peanut Diseases and Yield Summary | Article

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Cultivar and Fungicide Effects
on Pythium Leak of Snap Bean
Summary | Article

Identification of Three Distinct Classes of Satellite RNAs Associated With Two Cucumber mosaic virus Serotypes from the Ornamental Groundcover Vinca minor Summary | Article

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Outbreak of Blackleg in Canola in North Dakota is Caused by New Pathogenicity Groups Summary | Article

Sensitivity of Kansas Isolates of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa to Boscalid Summary | Article


Compatibility of Foliar Insecticides and Soybean Cyst Nematode Bioassays Summary | Article

Histological Evidence that Microsclerotia Play a Significant Role in Disease Cycle of the Boxwood Blight Pathogen in Southeastern United States and Implications for Disease Mitigation Summary | Article


DITHANE F-45 Rainshield Fungicide Receives Supplemental Labeling Article

Gowan Company, LLC and Nisso America, Inc Announce Federal EPA Registration of New Soybean Insecticide Article

EnviroLogix Introduces DNAble Test Kits for Cmm Detection Article

The Warm Winter of 2012 and What to Expect From Winter Moth in Massachusetts Article

"IPM 2.0" Conference to be Held in The Netherlands Article

K-State Scientist on Wheat Rust Diseases: Correctly Identifying if Fungicides Needed – or Not – is Important Article

Tips for Growers on a Quest for High-Yield Soybeans Article

Wheat Harvest Looks Good, Research Skewed by Unusual Weather Article

Monsanto Company Launches New Downy Mildew Resistant Cucumber Hybrids Article

Genuity Smartstax RIB Complete Corn Blend Delivers Full-Season Corn Rootworm Control Article

Near-record Warm Winter Increases Insect and Pest Threat for Crop Growers This Spring Article

Mild Winter: Pests and Diseases Likely on the Rise Article

AZM Alternatives Against Codling Moth Article

Weather Brings out Emerald Ash Borer Earlier this Year Article

Rust and Powdery Mildew Threaten Central and Southern Great Plains Wheat Article

Implications of Bt Hybrid Use in Illinois Article

Black Cutworm Moths Abundant and on the Move Article

Safari 20 SG Insecticide Available for Use on Emerald Ash Borer Under New York Special Local Need (SLN) Label Article

Zeal Miticide Registered for Use in Corn Article

Marrone Bio Innovations' Regalia Maxx Biofungicide Granted Canada Approval Article

Crop Management

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Shading Response of Solanaceous and Amaranthaceous Weeds in Soybean Summary | Article

Influence of Spring Herbicide Applications on Winter Weed Emergence in Corn and Soybean Production Systems Summary | Article

Response of Johnsongrass Biotypes from Humid and Subhumid Regions to Nicosulfuron in Argentina Summary | Article

Evaluation of the Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Test in Ohio Summary | Article

Comparing Single-Row and Twin-Row Corn Production in the Mid South Summary | Article

Repeated Sublethal Rates of Glyphosate Lead to Decreased Sensitivity in Palmer Amaranth Summary | Article


Managing Nitrogen in Corn This Spring Article

Field Trials for Enlist Weed Control System Demonstrate Excellent Weed Control Article

Early Spring Leads to Early Corn Planting Questions Article

Research Shows Greater Than 90 Percent Reduction in Volatility, 3-Fold Reduction in Physical Drift for Technology Package Featured in Enlist Weed Control System Article

Spring Crop Fertility Alert: Phosphorus + Zinc Article

Burrus to Distribute New Catalyst Brand for Syngenta Article

Handle Treated Soybeans With Care to Avoid Costly Contamination Article

Fruit Growers Searching for Frost Protection Warm Up to KDL Article

To Till or Not to Till? Article

New Vip Strip Helps Manage Corn Export Risk Article

Study Reinforces That Fallow Aids Wheat, But Continuous Cropping Increases Moisture Available for Crop Article

Farmers Plan to Update Weed Control Management in 2012 Article

Five Strategies to High-Yield Corn Production From BASF Article

BASF Submits Application for Registration of New Engenia Herbicide Article

Get Soil Data Fast With SoilWeb App Article

Monsanto Broadens Roundup Ready Plus Platform to Provide Additional Post-Emergence Herbicide Options This Spring Article

Spring Nitrogen Fertilizing for Optimal Wheat Production Article

Check Alfalfa for Frost Damage Article

Ohio State Expert: Tips Growers Can Use to Get Corn Crop off to a Good Start This Year Article

Early Wheat Could Provide an Opportunity for Double Cropping Article

Agronomist: Corn Seeding Depth Matters, Especially in Dry Soils Article

Protect Your Nitrogen Whenever You Apply Article

Syngenta Receives Registration for Foxfire Herbicide on Wheat Article

Strip-Till Improves Soybean Yield Article

Multiple vs. Effective Modes of Action Article

Applied Turfgrass Science

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Kentucky Bluegrass Germination and Early Seedling Growth Under Saline Conditions Summary | Article


A Clarification of Seashore Paspalum Vernation Description Summary | Article


Turfgrass Care Booklet Available for Texas Panhandle Article

Wanna Grow Grass? NC State Has an App for That Article

Copyright ©2012


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IFAS in the news, 4/30

Good morning! Here is today's IFAS-related news:

'Armored catfish' invading Florida (video, you have to sit through short ad, but it's worth it: Jeff Hill did a great job and this is a wonderful example of how valuable a prop can be for TV)

Dreaded citrus disease turns up in Texas, California

Gardening the Florida-friendly way to save money (Marion)

Bugs won't harm plants, will stain your clothes (Miami-Dade)

Bonsai show coming up May 5 (Okaloosa)

Master Gardeners spring plant sale a huge success (Martin)

Print list, then shop for deer-resistant plants (Hillsborough)

Rapidly growing Century plant draws a crowd (Okaloosa)

Garden Q&A: Make sure to water those transplanted plants (Duval)

Health, science, UF news:

Don't Just Sit There

Refuge from Global Warming May Create Seed Bank for the Future

New UF CISE proposal not all that new

Citing lack of leadership, LSU System fires President Lombardi|head

Friday, April 27, 2012

TYLCV Variety Field Day

Hello Everyone,

TYLCV Variety Field Day: Thursday May 3
 at 1pm at Six L’s Duette farm. Come see the results of a research trial conducted by Vegetable Specialist, Dr. Monica Ozores-Hampton showcasing 11 different tomato varieties. 


Trial Location: 12955 C.R. 39  Duette, Florida  34219


The trial is located at the Farm 3D gate 4 which is about 100 yards east of the intersection of 39-62 on the north side of 62. The trial area can be seen right off the road so you pass the parked vehicles turn around. 


Hope to see you there!



Jennifer Glassburn

Office Specialist, Agriculture & Extension Service

Community Service Department

Manatee County Government

University of Florida IFAS Extension

941-722-4524, Ext. 223

Fax:  941-721-6608


IFAS in the news, 4/27

Good morning! The week's last IFAS news roundup:

Forum recounts impacts from Gulf oil spill

Keeping your garden green (Lee)|newswell|text||s

As lovebugs return to Manatee area, so do motorists' headaches

Garden Q&A: How soaps and oils work to eliminate pests (Duval)

Kids' Safety (Hernando)

February orange juice imports and sales off (Polk)

Aquatic weed control pesticide licensing exam prep May 4 (St. Lucie)

7 universities, research groups tapped for US-India $125 million Joint Clean Energy R&D center

EXTENSION CONNECTIONS: Teach children to save (Okaloosa)

Police, community and calendar briefs for April 27, 2012 (Marion/3rd page)

Ernst: Making case for a backyard citrus revival (Sarasota)


FDLE criticizes FHP decisions before I-75 crashes