Thursday, February 26, 2015

DPMSO Spring Plant Sale

The Doctor of Plant Medicine Student Organization (DPMSO) is having a Spring Vegetable Plant Sale this Thursday, February 26th from 3-6PM. We are selling transplants of cucumber, hot peppers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce, that are ready to be incorporated into a vegetable bed or larger pot. The price is 1 for $2 or 3 for $5. We will be stationed outside of the Entomology Building near the main parking lot. Please view the attached flyer for additional details.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the officers listed below.

President – Wael Elwakil,

Vice President – Lisbeth Espinoza,

Secretary – Morgan Conn,

Treasurer – Nicole Casuso,

Historian – Eric Leveen,


We hope to see you there!



Nicole Casuso

DPMSO Treasurer

New Agronomy Notes Newsletter- See PDF Attachment

We hope you enjoy reading it and keeping you up to date on the latest Agronomy information.   Thank you.


Previous issues are available on our Agronomy website:


Weekly Harvest, February 25, 2015

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ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture

Weekly Harvest Newsletter
Sustainable Agriculture News Briefs - February 25, 2015

Weekly sustainable agriculture news and resources gleaned from the Internet by NCAT staff for the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture website. The Weekly Harvest Newsletter is also available online.

News & Resources

  • Sign-up Period for Conservation Stewardship Program Extended to March 13
  • Preliminary Analysis Explores USDA Investment in Organic Agriculture Research
  • Study Investigates How to Utilize Pasture Nutrition for Poultry
  • Nutrient-Runoff Mitigation Guide Recommends Conservation Based on Topography
  • USDA Announces Agriculture Stakeholder Workshop on Coexistence
  • Technical Bulletin Focuses on Ecological Control of Insect Pests of Apples in Northeast

Funding Opportunities

  • Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Foundational Program
  • Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Water for Agriculture Challenge Area
  • Iowa Agriculture in the Classroom Local Support Grants

Coming Events

  • Southeastern Sustainable Livestock Conference
  • "Planting a Legacy, Growing a Future" 2015 Small Farms Week
  • California Climate & Agriculture Summit

News & Resources

Sign-up Period for Conservation Stewardship Program Extended to March 13
USDA has extended the sign-up period for the 2015 Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) until March 13, reports the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. Farmers and ranchers interested in enrolling in CSP for 2015 now have two additional weeks to go to their local NRCS office and complete an initial application.
Related ATTRA Publication: Federal Conservation Resources for Sustainable Farming and Ranching

Preliminary Analysis Explores USDA Investment in Organic Agriculture Research
Since 2002, USDA has invested more than $142 million into 188 organic farming studies, successfully targeting issues of vital concern to organic farmers, according to a preliminary analysis conducted by the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). These preliminary findings represent the first phase of a two-year analysis of USDA's investments in organic farming research. The analysis aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the agency's organic research program, gauge its alignment with farmer priorities, and help set priorities for future research.

Study Investigates How to Utilize Pasture Nutrition for Poultry
A USDA-ARS Arkansas study funded by Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) looked at the various ways pasture can be used as a resource in ecological poultry production. The results of the study, "Integrating Free Range Poultry with Ruminant and Agroforestry Production in a Systems Approach," are available online.
Related ATTRA Publication: Pastured-Raised Poultry Nutrition

Nutrient-Runoff Mitigation Guide Recommends Conservation Based on Topography
Researchers with the Iowa Geological Survey, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Environmental Defense Fund have created a comprehensive nutrient-runoff mitigation guide for farmland in both the Ohio and Upper Mississippi River Basins. The guide helps farmers identify a best-practice solution for optimal runoff mitigation based on soil type, land slope, crops grown, and nutrients used.

USDA Announces Agriculture Stakeholder Workshop on Coexistence
USDA has announced an agricultural coexistence workshop on March 12-13, 2015, at North Carolina State University. The objective of the workshop is to advance an understanding of agricultural coexistence and discuss proposals for making coexistence more achievable for all stakeholders. Attendance at the workshop is by invitation only, but the public is invited to listen to or watch the workshop, which will be streamed online.

Technical Bulletin Focuses on Ecological Control of Insect Pests of Apples in Northeast
The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has released a new online technical bulletin titled Ecological Management of Key Arthropod Pests in Northeast Apple Orchards. The free bulletin highlights SARE-funded research that demonstrated viable ecological management strategies for plum curculio, apple maggot, codling moth, and other key apple pests.
Related ATTRA Publication: Apple Insect Pests Identification Sheet

>> More Breaking News

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Funding Opportunities

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Foundational Program
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture is requesting applications for six AFRI priority areas through the Foundational Program for FY 2015. These priority areas are plant health and production and plant products; animal health and production and animal products; food safety, nutrition, and health; renewable energy, natural resources, and environment; agriculture systems and technology; and agriculture economics and rural communities. Approximately $116 million will be available for new projects in FY 2015.
Application deadlines vary by program area from March 31 through June 24; some program areas require submission of a letter of intent to apply.

Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Water for Agriculture Challenge Area
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture is accepting applications for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Water for Agriculture Challenge Area. NIFA anticipates $30 million will be available to help solve critical water problems in rural and agricultural watersheds. In FY 2015, approximately $9 million will support new awards under this program. Eligibility is linked to project type.
A letter of intent to apply is due by April 9, 2015.

Iowa Agriculture in the Classroom Local Support Grants
The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation is offering grants of up to $1,000 each to support agriculture education programs that impact students or adults and help develop an understanding of agriculture and the agriculture industry.
Applications are due by March 15, 2015.

>> More Funding Opportunities

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Coming Events

Southeastern Sustainable Livestock Conference
March 28, 2015
Atlanta, Georgia

This annual conference to promote sustainably produced meat from livestock raised under high animal-welfare standards will feature Temple Grandin and Mary Berry as speakers, as well as a farm tour of White Oak Pastures. Sessions are organized into consumer, producer, and business tracks.

"Planting a Legacy, Growing a Future" 2015 Small Farms Week
March 22-28, 2015
Greensboro, North Carolina

The 29th annual observance of Small Farms Week, sponsored by Cooperative Extension at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, features workshops, tours, demonstrations, and the announcement of the 2015 Small Farmer of the Year.

California Climate & Agriculture Summit
March 24-25, 2015
Davis, California

This Summit explores the science, policy, and practice of climate change and sustainable agriculture in California. Participants will include farmers and ranchers, agency staff, technical service providers, policymakers, and advocates concerned with climate change challenges and opportunities for California agriculture.

>> More Events

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Weekly Harvest Archives
Digital versions of recent and archived Weekly Harvest newsletters are available online.

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) logo and link to home pageATTRA was developed and is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). The program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service.

Visit the NCAT website for more information on our other sustainable agriculture and energy projects.

© 2015 NCAT

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New ATTRA Video
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection
This webinar-based video was created in collaboration with Practical Farmers of Iowa as part of their "farminar" series.

Question of the Week
Can you help me understand the different types of hydroponic systems?

Ask a Sustainable Agriculture Expert
Submit questions to our professional staff online

ATTRA Spanish Newsletter
Subscribe to Cosecha Mensual (Monthly Harvest), ATTRA's Spanish-language e-newsletter

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SWFREC Newsletter

The latest issue of the SWFREC Update newsletter is now available here


Included in this issue:


Center Director’s Corner


Open House report


Latest SWFREC research


Farm Labor Management program


Staff News


Coming Events



Thank you,





Julie A. Carson

Media Coordinator

UF/IFAS Southwest Florida Research and Education Center

2685 SR 29 North

Immokalee, FL 34142

P: 239-658-3462

F: 239-658-3469


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Agenda Announced! - 2015 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

Celebrating the 64th Annual 

Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

"Building on Success"
May 13-15, 2015

Alto and Patricia Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center
Gainesville, Florida


Short Course Location 


Alto and Patricia Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center 

2142 Shealy Drive  

Gainesville, Florida 32611


Click here for a location map




Make the most of your visit to Gainesville! Check out the
Visit Gainesville

website for exciting places to see and explore.




Program Information:
Rebecca Matta
Short Course Organizer

Registration Information:
Jasmine Garcia
Short Course Registrar


Join Our Mailing List!

Click on the link above, enter your email address and click "Continue".  Then select the "Beef Cattle" marketing list to receive future emails about the conference.

If you manage listservs or have access to email addresses of colleagues who may be interested in attending the
2015 Beef Cattle Short Course, please forward this email and encourage others to join the mailing list. Thank you!

Agenda Now Available Online! 


We are pleased to announce this year's Florida Beef Cattle Short Course agenda! Organizers have worked hard to ensure you gain valuable knowledge from this educational program. See the agenda



Register today for one of the premier beef cattle educational events in the Southeast and Gulf Coast regions with national and global recognition!


Hotel Accommodations 


To meet your lodging needs, short course attendees are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of the IFAS Discounted Room Rates available at many Gainesville area hotels. Click here for more information on these great rates and how to book your hotel room today!



Become a Sponsor    


By becoming an active sponsor, your organization or company will have the opportunity to:

  • Strengthen its prominence as a leader in the industry
  • Increase recognition & exposure
  • Showcase promotional material
  • Network with colleagues
  • Be featured on the short course website with a link to your organization's homepage  

Click here for more information on becoming an active partner.



Become an Exhibitor


Showcase your company by becoming an exhibitor. Limited opportunities are available. Click here for more information.





Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CEU opportunities this week

Don’t miss these CEU/training opportunities this week!


Wednesday, Feb 25: New Technology for Commercial Vegetable and Fruit Production III Webinar: Hosted via teleconference at Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Balm, FL.


CCAs also available, Detailed agenda attached

Please RSVP by e-mail or phone to or call Crystal at 941-722-4524



Thursday, Feb 26: Spring Vegetable Growers’ Meeting, 12pm-2pm, Popi’s IV, 3911 US 301, Ellenton, FL 34222,

CEUs Provided: 2 in Private Applicator, 2 in Ag Row Crop, 2 in Demo and Research

CCAs also available

Lunch generously sponsored by Bayer CropScience

Registration and agenda available here:



Friday, Feb. 27: WPS Train-The-Trainer, 10:00am-12:00pm, UF/IFAS Extension Manatee County, 1303 17th St. West Palmetto, FL 34221

Need CEUs?

The WPS TTT workshop provides CEUs in several categories. Even if you don’t need to be WPS certified, don’t miss this opportunity for CEUs. CEUs available: 2 in the following categories: Aerial, Ag. Row, Ag. Tree, O&T, Private, Forest Pest Control, and Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation.

Need to become a WPS certified Trainer?

The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is a federal program designed to protect agricultural farm workers in the production of agricultural plants. A person is qualified to teach WPS to farm workers if he/she holds a restricted use pesticide license or if he/she has completed the WPS Train the trainer course.

There is a $20 class fee. You may pay at the door with cash or check made out to “Manatee County Friends of Extension”

Registration and agenda available here:







Crystal Snodgrass, M.S.
Extension Agent II, Vegetables
Manatee County Government
University of Florida IFAS Extension
941-722-4524, Ext. 229
Fax: 941-721-6608




Last Chance to Pre Register - SFAPMS General Meeting - February 26th CEU Course

South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society

General Meeting Announcement


SFAPMS Header 


Thursday, February 26, 2015

8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


City of Oakland Park

Jaco Pastorius Park Community Center

1098 N.E. 40th Court

Oakland Park, FL 33334

*Free public parking is available to the north of the building






8:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.

Registration and Refreshments

8:15 a.m. - 9:05 a.m.

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Capabilities for Natural Area Surveys

Michael Melendez, P.E. - Genisis Enterprises & Engineering Services, LLC

1 Aquatic OR 1 Natural Area OR 1 Right-of-Way CEU

9:05 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.

Calibration and Application of Granular Products

Michael Blatt - Vortex Granular Systems

1 Core CEU

9:55 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.


10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.

Invasive Grasses and Control in Aquatic Ecosystems

Dr. Lyn Gettys - University of Florida, Research & Education, Davie

1 Natural Area OR 1 Right-of-Way CEU

10:50 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

Applicator Alert - Environmental Permitting,

Compliance, & Regulatory Current Issues

Debbie Tyson, Esq. - Gunster Law

1 Core CEU

11:40 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Everglades Restoration & Habitat Enhancement

Doug Young - President, South Florida Audubon Society

1 Aquatic OR 1 Natural Area CEU

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Complimentary Lunch/Vehicle Exhibit

 Sponsored by GM Fleet & Commercial Vehicles

Anthony Guerrette, Business Development Manager

Ray Deien - Phil Smith Chevrolet





*4 C.E.U.'s will be available for licensed professionals

Guest are welcome to attend at a charge of $15.00




Download Agenda


Click Here For Map & Directions

*Free public parking is available to the north of the building




SFAPMS Water Lily


Learn More About SFAPMS Membership: Click Here!


Sponsorship Opportunities Available!




South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society

Reservation Form - February 26, 2015



Name: _____________________________________________________


Company Affiliation: ___________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________


City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ___________


Telephone: ______________________ Fax: _______________________


E-mail: _____________________________________________________


Are you planning to stay for lunch?    ______ Yes       ______ No


______ Member (FREE)       ______ Guest ($15.00)



8930 State Road 84, No. 316

Davie, FL 33324


Online registration is available!

Click Here!




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Questions?...Please contact our office at (954) 370-0041


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