Friday, September 23, 2011

Brown's Plant File: Classes/CEUs; Clips; What's Blooming; New Whitefly/c

Just a reminder that we have two exam prep classes that includes CEUs.

Thursday, Ornamental and Turf


September 28, Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance


Hendry County has numerous exam prep and CEU classes in October.

October 18, Natural Areas and Aquatic (two classes)

October 19, Right of Way


Here is a short clip that explains more about Extension and what we do here in Lee.


Here’s a new video on a not too uncommon problem of oak tree decline.


A new what’s blooming fact sheet on glory-bower.


We now have a new pest to deal with. It’s call the Spiraling whitefly. It’s a big one.

The pest is now infesting gumbo limbo on Pine Island, and fewer trees on Sanibel and in Fort Myers.

E-mail me if you see it.


Until next time!




Stephen H. Brown

County Extension Director & Horticulture Program Leader

University of Florida/IFAS

3406 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33916


Lawns, Gardens, and Nurseries Solutions

Phone: (239) 533-7513   Fax: (239) 485-2305

Solutions For Your Life"




Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from County Employees and officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communication may be subject to public disclosure.

Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hotel Reservation & Regular Registration Deadline- September 16! - Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference!



Important Deadlines!

Regular Registration Rate- Extended to 9/16!

Hotel Reservation Deadline- Extended to 9/16! 

AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, and TN CEUs Available!   



October 3-5, 2011
Edgewater Beach Resort
Panama City Beach, Florida





This is the last week to register at a reduced rate for the 2011 Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference!  Register today and save $50 off the late fee! 


The Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference provides continuing education credits for herbicide and pesticide applicators from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. The conference's instruction will focus on Aquatic, Right-of-Way, Natural Areas, and CORE (General Standards) instruction.


SEHAC will benefit anyone who conducts weed control in canals, lakes, water retention ponds,  rivers, parks, highway rights-of-way or transmission lines.  It will also serve those who are employed by a public agency or private company and are responsible for vegetation management along right-of-ways and in natural areas.

For additional information and updates on the conference, please bookmark and visit our website


SAVE $50- Register Online Today! 

Registration is open for the 2011 Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference.   


The registration fee provides each attendee full participation in the educational program; conference materials; morning, mid-day and afternoon refreshments; Monday's Networking Social; Tuesday's boxed lunch; and the Tuesday evening Welcome Reception.


Early Registration Fee

(By August 8, 2011)

Deadline Passed 

Regular Registration Fee- EXTENDED
(By September 16, 2011)


Late Registration Fee
(After September 6, 2011)


Guest Fee

(10 years of age and older)


The Guest Fee is not for use by co-workers and only provides access to evening functions and the Tuesday Boxed Lunch.


To register for the conference, simply Click Here and follow the instructions posted on our website. You can register online and pay with a credit card or check, or even generate an invoice for submission to your agency for payment.


Note: Speakers have been emailed instructions for registration. Please read your instructions prior to registering on-line. 


Sponsor the 2011 Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference

It's not too late to sponsor!  Sponsor by this Friday to ensure your place on the conference printed materials!

If you would like more information on how your organization can support this important educational event, please visit the sponsor information portion of the website.

Click Here to Sponsor 


Conference CEUs

Need CEUs in Aquatics, Right-of-Way, Natural Areas, Forestry, CORE, or Private Application for multiple states? Then this conference is for you!

We have received re-certification credits for following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. 

Click Here to see how many credits you can earn from each state! 


Should you have any questions about the 2011 Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference, please feel free to call on me personally.   

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Jhanna Gilbert, CMP, CGMP
Conference Coordinator   

University of Florida, IFAS
UF Leadership & Education Foundation, Inc.
Office of Conferences & Institutes

PO Box 110750 | Bldg. 639 Mowry Rd. 
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750| USA
PH 352-392-5930 | FAX  352-392-9734|

Conference Agenda Available!

The detailed program agenda is now available on the conference website!  To view the agenda, click here.


To view the detailed CEU breakdown, click here


Meeting Site and Accommodations


Hotel Reservation Deadline is September 16!!! 


Edgewater Beach Resort

11212 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32407

Phone: 850-235-4044

Fax: 850-233-7529 


The Edgewater Beach Resort will be hosting the training for the Southeast Herbicide Applicator Conference and is pleased to offer the following reduced conference rates:


1 BR Villa: $87 per night
2 BR Villa: $112 per night

3 BR Villa: $153 per night

1 BR Gulf Front Condo: $123

2 BR Gulf Front Condo: $153

3 BR Gulf Front Condo: $190


All rates are subject to state and local taxes, currently at 12.11% plus a 1% city tax.


Mention Group #10001M when making your reservations to ensure you receive the group rate.


For More information on what is included in your reservation and for detail instructions on making a reservation, please visit the

Meeting Accommodations

portion of the conference website.


Join Our Mailing List


Quick Links

Register Now

Hotel Information

Conference Agenda


Conference CEUs

Sponsor Opportunities

About OCI


Hosted by

IFAS Extension


Thank You To Our Sponsors















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IFAS in the News

Good morning. Here is IFAS in the News for Wednesday, Sept. 21.


Research Shortfalls Delaying Farm Production Information

US: Pomegranate -- Florida's Next Commercial Fruit?

More Insects Bugging You This Year? In Brevard You're Not Alone

Of Interest...

Lawmakers Wary of Changes Scott Wants

Evolving Superconferences Should Break From NCAA

New Program Explains Exercise Classes in Detail

Our Take on: Non-native Plants and Animals,0,5390941.story

From Farm to Plate: Local Tours Show Chefs Food Supply

A Worthwhile Drive for Seafood

Tom Nordlie
Bldg. 116, UF main campus
(352) 273-3567

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IFAS in the News

Good morning. Here is IFAS in the News for Wednesday, Sept. 14.


Clay County's "Unbelievable" Extension Agent to Retire, Then Volunteer

Locals Learn How to Quickly Build an Inexpensive Greenhouse (Jackson County)

Jennifer M. Trefelner: Master Gardeners Hosting Plant Sale Oct. 8 in Fort Pierce

New Tasti-Lee Tomato Hits Publix's Produce Aisle

Take Whole Grains to Heart

Credit Management, Budget Benefit College Students

Uta McFadden Receives Gardening Award

Of Interest...

UF Seeks to Expand Dental School

Florida's Poverty Rates Rise

Jacksonville Again Covered in Smoke From Renewed Okefenokee Wildfires

Teen Driver Restrictions a Mixed Bag,0,7056006.story

Tom Nordlie
Bldg. 116, UF main campus
(352) 273-3567

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

IFAS in the news, 9/13

Good morning! Here is today's news scan of stories that mention (or affect) IFAS:

Editorial: UF Extension Service ... Caldwell soundly advises the plant lovers among us

Wakulla County Extension Office Offering Florida Master Money Mentoring Program

Locals learn how to quickly build an inexpensive greenhouse (Leon/Wakulla)

UF/science/travel/a nice read:

UF falls again in U.S. News rankings

Pell Grant changes hit some SFC students hard

Justice O'Connor says public lacks understanding of judiciary

With dorms full, resident assistants forced to take roommates

More ground turkey is recalled over salmonella,0,2926101.story

Airport security may soon let shoes stay on,0,1828116.story?track=lat-pick

Father's Testosterone Drops Steeply After Baby Arrives

Just Try Topping This 'When I Was Your Age' Tale

Monday, September 12, 2011

Beef/Forage Field Day

Beef/Forage Field Day- Friday, October 28, 2011


Mark your calendars to join us for the 2011 University of Florida Beef/Forage Field Day at the North Florida Research and Education Beef Research Unit (located one mile west of Greenwood, FL on Hwy 162).  Registration (Registration fee - $10) will begin at 8:00 am (CDT).  Lunch and refreshments will be provided!


Topics and Speakers:

         Impacts of Selection for Feed Efficiency  

Cliff Lamb, UF State Extension Beef Specialist

         Understanding Hay Weight and Quality

Doug Mayo, UF Extension Livestock Specialist

David Thomas, NFREC Beef Unit Supervisor

         Soil Pit Demonstration

Cheryl Mackowiak. UF State Extension Soils Specialist

         Overview of Sunbelt Expo Hay Competition

Ann Blount, UF State Extension Agronomist

Dennis Hancock, UGA State Extension Agronomist

         Environmental Impacts of Selection for Feed Efficiency

Nicolas Dilorenzo, UF State Extension Beef Specialist

         Understanding Hay Feeding, Storage and Waste

Andy Andreasen, UF Extension Livestock Specialist

         Comparing Feed Prices and Commodities

Lawton Stewart, UGA State Extension Livestock Specialist


For further information call 850-394-9124 or visit the NFREC website (





Tina Gwin - Office Assistant

University of Florida

North Florida Research and Education Center

3925 Hwy 71

Marianna, FL 32446

phone - (850) 394-9124 ext 101

fax - (850) 482-9917


Volusia County 4H children need some Boer goats

From: Andrea []
Hello All! I do not know about everyone else but we have been getting lots and lots of rain!!! No fun for the goats. Anyway, what I am emailing you all about is a need for 4 boer goats for some 4H children in Volusia County. Tanya Darress 4H leader has asked me for help in finding Goat producers/breeders that would be interested in either donating(preferred) or selling at a reduced price registered boer goat bucks, does, and even wethers. Please let me know if you can or if you know of anyone that can. I am trying to get the producing of goat back in the limelight as a profitable way to raise meat and milk.
And I believe this is a great way of doing just that.


      The Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society Scholarship & Research Foundation is seeking items for our annual fundraising events.  We encourage anyone who would like to donate something for our raffle or silent auction to please bring it to the conference next month and notify Don Doggett.  Your participation is greatly appreciated and your gifts are tax deductible.  To learn more about the Scholarship Program, visit and click on Scholarship. Please help to make 2011 another banner year! 







Notice to Hispanic or Women Farmers and Ranchers: Compensation for Claims of Discrimination




Florida/Virgin Islands

Community Programs

2629 Waverly Barn Rd, Suite 129

Davenport, Florida 33897


Area Five Office

       Telephone: (863) 420-4833

                  FAX: (863) 424-7333

                 TDD: (352) 338-3499



September 12, 2011



RE: Notice to Hispanic or Women Farmers and Ranchers:  Compensation for Claims of Discrimination


As you doubt know, there have been several discrimination lawsuits filed against USDA and addressing these suits has been a high priority for both the President and Secretary Vilsack.  Recently, our Department made substantial progress in providing relief to African American and Native American farmers who may have claims of past discrimination.


Now the Administration is moving forward to resolve two additional cases and has established a non-judicial claims process to provide relief to Hispanic and women farmers. 


To help with our outreach efforts regarding this claims process we are seeking your help. Please consider sharing the below information with your membership. If your organization has a newsletter or Website, we ask that you please publish and/or post.

Women and Hispanic Farmer/Rancher Discrimination Claims Process
The United States government is establishing a claims process to make available $1.3 billion or more to farmers who alleged discrimination by the U.S.  Department of Agriculture (USDA) based on being female or based on being Hispanic, in making or servicing farm loans during certain periods between 1981 and 2000. If you qualify and submit a timely claim, you could receive an award of up to $50,000 in cash. USDA will also provide a total of up to $160 million in debt relief to successful claimants who currently owe USDA money for eligible farm loans. Successful claimants may also receive an additional amount, equal to 25 percent of the combined cash award plus debt relief, to help pay federal taxes that may be owed.  You can request a Claim Package, which will include forms and instructions for filing a claim, by requesting a package online at or by calling 1-888-508-4429.


We would appreciate the distribution of this notice to individuals or groups might benefit from this notice.  If they believe that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) improperly denied farm loan benefits to the individual or group between 1981 and 2000 because you are Hispanic, or because you are female, they may be eligible to apply for compensation.  We have enclosed an English and Hispanic version of the Summary Notice and Fact Sheet.


While I can’t answer questions regarding specific claims, please call 352-338-3402 if you have questions regarding outreach efforts.  Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance for your assistance




LaTasha Thomas Pace|Area Technician

Rural Development

U.S. Department of Agriculture

2629 Waverly Barn Road, Suite 129

Davenport, Florida 33897

Phone: 863.420.4833., ext. 104 | Fax: 863.424.7333


"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las comunidades rurales"

IFAS in the news, 9/12

Good morning! Here is today's IFAS news:

Rain barrels are a perfect fit for your Florida yard (Alachua)

Why let your backyard be a source of worry? (Okaloosa)

Calendar: Saturday Sept. 10 (Santa Rosa -- third item)|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Groundcovers are great for Florida-Friendly yards (Hillsborough)

Health, science and UF news:

Federal investigators join multi-state Listeria outbreak probe

Cargill Recalls 185,000 Pounds of Ground Turkey After USDA Test

Glow-in-the-Dark Kittens Lend a Paw to AIDS Fight

UF names building for Miami lawyer after $800,000 gift to promote diversity

UF event celebrates national spirit that didn't wane

Anniversary of 9/11 raises questions of state's disaster response readiness

Gameday rules strictly enforced, harsher punishments imposed

New international studies major at UF

Friday, September 9, 2011

ARS Newslink

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
September 9, 2011

Surveying leafy spurge:
A USDA aerial photography survey of 38,000 wildfire-burned acres in Idaho provided what is believed to be the first evidence that the invasive leafy spurge weed is displacing seedlings of native mountain big sagebrush. (9/6)

Investigating cattle diseases:
The origin of three costly cattle diseases is genetically linked, according to USDA researchers. They have discovered a location on bovine chromosome 20 that is associated with the incidence of the most prevalent bacterial diseases-pinkeye, foot rot and bovine respiratory disease (pneumonia)-that affect feedlot cattle. (9/8)

Cotton's potential for padding nonwovens:
USDA scientists have conducted studies to investigate the use of virgin cotton in nonwoven materials and products. (9/9)

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