2013 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference April 3 – 4, 2013 Pre-Conference Seminar – April 2, 2013 The Westin Westminster Denver, CO
The goal of this conference is to broaden risk management education programming for agricultural producers, to encourage new programming efforts, and to strengthen existing programs.
Call for Concurrent Session and Poster Presentations
Proposals due January 17th, 2013
The 2013 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference will bring together private and public sector educators, crop insurance agents, lenders, and other agricultural professionals to share ongoing and emerging successful risk management education efforts which target agricultural producers and their families. Conference participants will learn about what is working to help producers effectively manage the financial, production, marketing, legal and human resource risks associated with their agribusinesses.
A Pre-Conference Seminar will be held on Tuesday afternoon, April 2nd. The conference planning committee recognizes that recently risk has been transferred from crop production, which has strong prices and effective crop insurance, to animal agriculture. With that in mind, the pre-conference subject matter will focus on Risk Management for Animal Agriculture.
Concurrent Session and Poster Proposals
Concurrent session presentations are being solicited which highlight successful risk management education programming. Abstract submission is encouraged from any public or private entity involved in risk management education for agricultural producers, regardless of whether the project was funded through a regional Extension Risk Management Education Center. Proposals for panel presentations, professional improvement sessions, and/or multi-region presentations are also encouraged.
Format of Proposals: Proposals will be accepted online, beginning November 15, 2012. To submit a proposal for a concurrent session presentation or a poster display, please go to the Extension Risk Management Education website (
http://www.extensionrme.org/conferences/2013/) and click the link for submitting a proposal. There you will be able to register your proposal and provide an abstract (maximum of 250 words) describing your educational effort, and how it was of benefit to producers involved in agricultural production.
Length of sessions: 30 minute or 60 minute Concurrent Sessions are available, depending upon the time required to adequately present the educational material. As you consider which length to choose, please bear in mind that we would like presenters to allow 5-10 minutes at the end the session for questions and interaction. Professional Improvement Sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes.
Poster exhibits: Tables and poster walls will both be available to exhibit posters. Exhibitors utilizing tables will be responsible for providing a structure, such as a display board, to secure and exhibit the poster. Conference participants will have an opportunity to interact with the poster authors during an evening reception on April 3rd.
Topics for Proposals
Concurrent Session and Poster Exhibit topics may include programming related to any of the five areas of risk addressed by agricultural RME including: financial, production, marketing, legal and human resource. The Conference Planning Committee encourages all concurrent session and poster presenters to focus on the risk management results that producers gained through participation in their educational projects. Given the pre-conference topic of risk management for animal production, educators who work in the area of animal agriculture may consider submitting abstracts that lend themselves to focusing on risk management for livestock producers.
Professional Improvement Sessions will also focus on agricultural RME, but rather than describing specific results-based programs, topics will be presented from a professional improvement perspective. Examples of track sessions might include topics such as (but not limited to):
· estate planning
· leadership roles in agriculture
· reaching out to new audiences
A limited number of professional improvement session presentations will be chosen. We encourage a team approach (2 -3 person team) to present material to help the participants improve their understanding and increase their confidence for their future programming efforts.
Audience Groups
The Planning Committee also invites proposals from projects that targeted audience groups which are identified for special emphasis in Section 12026 of the 2008 Farm Bill. These include:
· Beginning farmers and ranchers
· Legal immigrant farmers and ranchers who are attempting to become established in the U.S.
· Socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers
· Farmers or ranchers who
a. Are preparing to retire; and
b. Are using transitions strategies to help new farmers or ranchers get started
· New or established farmers or ranchers who are converting production and marketing systems to pursue new markets
Review of Proposals
A peer review committee will consider each proposal that is submitted by the deadline of January 17, 2013. Decisions will be made in late January, at which time presenters will be notified.
Guidelines for Concurrent Session Presenters and Poster Authors
Workshop and poster presenters will be expected to register, pay, and participate in the entire Conference (April 3 – 4, 2013). The Conference will begin early on the morning of April 3rd and will conclude at noon on April 4th. The Pre-Conference Seminar, for those who choose to attend, will take place on the afternoon of April 2nd.
Travel assistance will be available through the regional Extension RME Centers. More information and details will be available on the Conference website, but please note, you must register for and attend the entire conference in order to be eligible. Expenses will be reimbursed upon submission of a travel expense report, receipts, and airline boarding passes.
Concurrent session and professional improvement session presenters should be prepared to submit an electronic copy of their presentation prior to the conference. Further instructions will be provided at a later date.
If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Wolinski (
lgw@udel.edu, 302-831-2538) or Susan Olson (
sbolson@udel.edu, 302-831-6540).
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