Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hardee County Extension May E-newsletter

Hello All!


Attached is the Hardee County Extension E-newsletter, May edition. Enjoy the read & let me know if there are topics you would like to see included. Happy Spring!


Carolyn H. Wyatt, Extension Agent III
Family & Consumer Science/4-H
UF IFAS Hardee County Extension
507 Civic Center Drive
Wauchula, FL  33873
(863) 773-2164
Fax (863) 773-6861
Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well. . .
Information and education brought to you by UF IFAS Extension to help you live well.



2012 Nat'l Wetland Plant List online

2012 National Wetland Plant List
The wetland indicator status ratings from the revised National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) are now in PLANTS as a table linked to species profile pages. The NWPL is an interagency effort led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It is to be used for wetland determinations and delineations completed on or after June 1, 2012, for the purposes of the Food Security Act and the Clean Water Act.



UF/IFAS in the news, 4/30

Good morning! Today’s IFAS-related news:

Monster mosquitoes: Weather extremes could cause plague of mosquitoes in Indiana


Florida's farmers cash in on blueberry boom


Brown bag lunch presentation, 'Sea Turtle Friendly Beaches' on May 10 (St. Lucie)


Gardening contest, master gardener class set (St. Johns)


New CEU Article in Citrus Industry Magazine


St. Lucie Master Gardeners to host annual plant sale May 11


Calendar: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 (Escambia – fifth item)




Other area, state and world news:

State’s $74.5 billion budget comes with something for everyone


Queen Beatrix Abdicates in the Netherlands


Privately Financed Spaceship Roars Closer to Space


Bill Requiring Labeling Of GE Foods Introduced In Congress


Legislature OKs bill speeding up capital punishment


Arrest made in Williston festival shootings


Florida’s $1 billion strawberry industry seriously threatened


NBA veteran Jason Collins comes out as gay




IFAS in the news, 4/29

Good morning! Lots of IFAS-related stuff in the news over the weekend:

Task Force Tours Potential 4-H Locations, Set To Issue Report Soon (Escambia)


Scientists Are Trying to Get Supermarket Tomatoes’ Flavor to Catch Up


High-dollar colt a source of pride for Florida program


After years of growth, county's blueberry business stabilizing (Pasco)


Beekeeping: Home Business a Fun and Profitable Enterprise (Polk)


Gainesville men, Cumming woman to speak at UNG graduation ceremonies (fourth item)


Canning class offered Saturday (Bay)


Kid fishing event coming May 4


Make sure your garden is getting the correct amount of water (Lake)


Project helps urban dwellers grow veggies (Marion)


Martin County Community Calendar, updated April 27(second item)


Garden Q&A: Shade-tolerant plants need careful analysis (Duval)


Home & garden events for the week of Apr. 27 (Flagler)




UF, local and science news:

Greening latest scourge to hit citrus industry


Hospitals see surge of superbug-fighting products


Plant Particles Slow Global Warming (and Smell Great)



UF ready to execute its top 10 plan


UF: Online courses will be of the same quality as traditional classes


Tebow released by Jets





Weed Science rankings # 1



A recent article published in the Journal “Weed Technology” ranked the University of Florida as the Number One group in the world for publications.  A link to the article follows:




Congratulations to the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department and our Weed Science Faculty! 






Jack M. Payne, Senior Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources

1008 McCarty Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0180

(352-392-1971;*jackpayne@ufl.edu; www.ifas.ufl.edu



Posts from Agent's Update--Online Magazine for 04/29/2013

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

Ornamental Production Newsletter


Apr 26, 2013 09:27 am | noreply@blogger.com (Ornamental Hort. Agent)

Thanks to sponsorship from the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Tampa Chapter of the FNGLA the Regional Container Irrigation Workshop is now free! Join us at J & R Nursery on May 14, 2013 at 3:00 pm for a Regional Nursery Irrigation Workshop and dinner. Cost is now free. Extension is bringing top experts to Hillsborough County to have a hands on irrigation event with 3 Private

Like Now FREE! Container Irrigation Workshop May 14th on Facebook  Google Plus One Button  share on Twitter

Our mailing address is:

Hillsborough Extension Office

5339 County Rd 579

Seffner, Florida 33584-3334

Copyright (C) 2013 Hillsborough Extension Office All rights reserved.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A&M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating.

Chemically Speaking

The April issue of Chemically Speaking is available for viewing at:



UF Pesticide Information Office

Friday, April 26, 2013

ARS Newslink

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
April 26, 2013

Improved test for an important vitamin:
A team of USDA scientists has developed and tested an improved method for measuring an indicator of the body's stores of vitamin B12 in blood. (4/22) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2013/130422.htm

New issue of Healthy Animals online:
The latest issue of Healthy Animals focuses on research to combat stable flies, the most damaging arthropod pest of U.S. cattle. (4/25) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2013/130425.htm

Optimizing water productivity:
USDA researchers in Texas are helping farmers make the most of their water supplies in a region where they depend on the Ogallala Aquifer, a massive underground reservoir under constant threat of overuse. (4/26) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2013/130426.htm


Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at NewsService@ars.usda.gov
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5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 NewsService@ars.usda.gov | www.ars.usda.gov/news Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486

IFAS in the news, 4/26

Good morning – lots of IFAS-related news on this Friday:

Seven Treasure Coast restaurants supporting oyster reef program to have educational coasters (Florida Sea Grant/St. Lucie)


With Apalachicola Bay funding uncertain, UF task force says oysters need help


Weather extremes could cause plague of mosquitoes


UF Oyster Recovery Team issues findings: Drought and salinity major issues, not oil



Caladiums can add color to your landscapes (Gulf)


Learn how insects use pheromones at Oxbow’s next Brown Bag lecture (St. Lucie)


Properly prune, maintain your palms (Leon)


Kids fishing events coming up (Bay)


Get Growing: news from the gardening community in Lee and Collier counties


International Paper Awards $50,000 In Grants To Community Groups (Escambia)


North Beaches: May 4 is busy day in the Vilano area (St. Johns – 5th item)




Other news:

Healthy, Meet Delicious


Moscow psychiatric hospital fire kills 38


Two former Gators selected in first round of NFL Draft



Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Reminder: Monday, April 29, 2013 Mtg of SWFSFN in Clearwater

Hello, all.  I am sending you your final friendly reminder of our  Monday, April 29th meeting of the SW FL Small Farmers Network (SWFSFN) described below.  Hope to see everyone there . . .





From: Robert Kluson
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 10:11 PM
To: Robert Kluson
Cc: 'jose@foginfo.org'
Subject: Announcement: Monday, April 29, 2013 Mtg of SWFSFN in Clearwater


Hello members & supporters of the SW FL Small Farmer Network (SWFSFN)!   I am very pleased to send you this announcement and invitation to the next meeting of SWFSFN on Monday, April 29, 2013.  Following up our very successful November 29, 2012  meeting at Mothers Organics Humus Farms in Seffner, we are continuing to provide you another event to support your sustainable, small farming and enterprises in SW Florida. 


We are very fortunate this time to being hosted by Pam and Hank Sindlinger of Gateway Organic Farm in Clearwater, Florida.   For your information, Pam and Hank were one of the winners of the FL Innovative Farmer Award at the 2012 Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference.  Their farming operation provides an impressive demonstration of urban agriculture on 3.19 acreas in the most populated county in FL, especially in their efforts to be firmly integrated with their local community foodshed.  For more background information see http://gatewayorganicfarm.com/index.html


This event is sponsored by the FL Organic Growers Association (F.O.G.).  This group has been providing service to FL’s organic growers since 1987 – for more background see http://www.foginfo.org/This event will provide information about organic certification and urban farming planning.


We are also sure that you will not want to miss this opportunity for social and business networking with your fellow small farmers in SW FL.  Come meet your fellow producers and purveyors who are making our local food systems a reality!   Remember to bring seeds to share for our Seed Swap activity and help promote such collective actions of SWFSFN members.  Finally, while we usually plan to have a pot lunch at our SWFSFN meetings, this time a free lunch is being provided for you by our F.O.G. sponsor if you send your RSVP (see below).


For your reference, here 's our meeting’s details and agenda (see attachment also):


Date:            Monday, April 29, 2013

Location:      Gateway Organic Farm, 6000 150th Ave N, Clearwater, Florida 33760

Cost:            free

RSVP:         YES, REQUIRED, use the attachment registration form or the registration website (Hello.  I am updating you on the registration procedure for the April 29th meeting described below.  Please, use the attachment registration form or do it online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mBey5Wa9H9JmYZdONOFkL8R3m6hO21rneAXwLjWtNUc/viewform?pli=1






Note:               please, bring your own eating utensils and a folding chair

For your perusal, here’s the agenda of this event:

9:00 a.m.         Sign-in and meet-and-greet, with refreshments provided.


9:05 a.m.         Welcome to Gateway Organic Farm by Pamela and Hank Sindlinger, IFAS Extension, and Florida Organic Growers.


9:15 a.m.         Introduction to Gateway Organic Farm by Pamela and Hank Sindlinger


9:30 a.m.         Interactive Tour of Gateway Organic Farm by farmers Pamela and Hank Sindlinger with the    assistance of Dr. Robert Kluson from the Sarasota County Extension

·         Strategies to make efficient use of space

·         Soil management: Crop rotation, cover crops and fertility

·         Sharing experiences on weed management

·         Small equipment for urban farms

·         Building hoophouses


10:45 a.m.       Break & Seed Swap


11:00 a.m.       Interactive Tour continued…


12:00 p.m.       Marketing Discussion by Pamela and Hank Sindlinger


12:30 p.m.       Working Lunch & Miscellaneous topics & announcements

                       Update on 2013 FL Small Farms Conference – Aug 2-4, 2013

                       Program updates by attending UF/IFAS Extension Agents

                       Seed Swap continued


1:15 p.m.         Important Considerations when planning an urban organic farm by Consultant Rick Martinez and farmers Pamela and Hank Sindlinger.


2:00 p.m.         Organic Certification discussion by FOG’s Executive Director Marty Mesh, Consultant Rick Martinez, farmers Pamela and Hank Sindlinger and FOG outreach staff.                      


2:50  p.m.        Participants’ Evaluation and Recommendations


2:55 p.m.         Book raffle! Two useful books to be raffled among participants!


3:00 p.m.         Workshop Adjournment! Thanks to collaborators and participants!!!


Please, feel free to pass along this announcement to your fellow small farmers and local foods advocates who would be interested in the activities of SWFSFN.  If they are not familiar with SWFSFN, please, refer them to both our webpage (see http://sarasota.ifas.ufl.edu/AG/swfsfn.shtml) and Yahoo Group (see http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/SW_FL_Small_Farms/)





Robert A. Kluson, Ph.D.

AG/NR Extension Agent III

UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County

Community Services Business Center

6700 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL  34241

(941) 861-9849 (Ofc)


"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were and ask why not." . . . . . . . . . . Bobby Kennedy










Hardee County Extension

Hello Everyone!


Attached is the flier for DEA’s Drug Take Back Day which is THIS Saturday, April 27th, 2013 from 10am – 2pm.   This is a great opportunity for those who missed the previous events, or who have subsequently accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications. “Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Drop-off sites included Hardee County Sheriff’s Department and the Wauchula Police Department. Please join in and forward this flier to your contacts encouraging them to help make a difference by cleaning out old medications in their homes.



Kind regards,


Suzanne Lambert, Project Coordinator

Hardee County Alliance for Substance Abuse

& Pregnancy Prevention (ASAPP)

202 South 9th Ave.  Suite 203

Wauchula, FL.  33873

Office 863-767-0401/Fax 863-773-5801



"...Decreasing risk factors by bringing about positive community change."

USDA Programs for Your Farm

USDA Programs for Small Farm Businesses
April 2013
Program or Course Schedule

* Accessing USDA Programs For Your Small Farm

Accessing USDA Programs for your Small Farm


Please be our guest for an informational session at Gamble Creek Farm Tuesday, April 30. Representatives from two USDA agencies, Farm Service Agency and Natural Resource Conservation Service, will be there to discuss available USDA programs that can benefit your small farm business or start-up. Topics will include the new FSA Microloan Program, NRCS' EQIP, Organic and High Tunnel Initiatives, and Mobile Irrigation Labs.


Florida West Coast RC&D
Event Name
USDA Programs
Several representatives from the United States Department of Agriculture will be available to discuss and answer questions about accessing various programs intended to help fund farm businesses and provide cost-share incentives for on-farm conservation practices. Programming will be available in English and Spanish. Gamble Creek Farm displays a number of active conservation practices demonstrating these cost-share programs at work. Farm staff will be available to discuss working with these programs.

RSVP to leech@fwcrcd.org or stop by at 9:00 AM at the address below!

Where & When
14950 Golf Course Road
Parrish, Florida 34219
April 30, 2013
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Join Our Mailing List! <http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101290055161>
Florida West Coast RC
14950 Golf Course Road
Parrish, Florida 34219
This event is being offered free of charge through the Florida West Coast RC&D Council, Inc, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to creating a sustainable local food and agriculture economy.

The event "Accessing USDA Programs For Your Small Farm" is made possible through a grant from the USDA Office of Advocacy and Outreach provided through the National Association of Resource Conservation & Development Councils.

IFAS in the news, 4/25

Good morning! Your IFAS news roundup:


UF team takes first place in Campus RainWorks Challenge



UF Releases Oyster Situation Report




Oyster study confirms fishery problems // DOCUMENT



UF wildlife ecology students merge science, art in project with Harn Museum



Don’t let citrus sucker you into sour fruit (Clay)



General Certification Standards Training & Testing For Agricultural Pesticide Applicators Offered May 1 (St. Lucie)



Florida Beef Cattle Short Course Coming


Alert goes out for mosquitoes in Indiana: Recent heavy rains may usher in swarms


Lafayette County: Citizens health improving


Walton County Diabetes Seminars



Immokalee student vies for Miss Indian World crown (Seminole Tribe 4-H)



Marion L. Clarke (Florida Sea Grant/Extension)




UF, local and other news:


FDA's counterfeit detection device takes global aim at malaria



UF hosts chemistry competition Friday for high schools students



One in four Floridians live near poverty line


Ex-UF student gets 7½ years for hit-and-run fatality




Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Speakers & Session Descriptions Posted // Registration Open! FL Small Farms & Alt Enterprises Conf.

Announcing Speakers and Session Descriptions!

Registration is Open!


Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference 

Informing and Inspiring Agricultural Innovators


August 2-4, 2013 * Kissimmee, FL



Speakers and Session Descriptions Posted!

The program committee is excited to share with you this year's conference speakers and to provide descriptions for each educational session offered. Learn more about these incredible sessions. See Sessions


Agenda-at-a-Glance Available

See the overall Agenda at-a-Glance. This year's hot educational topics will definitely inform and inspire all agricultural innovators! See Agenda


Register NOW!

Register NOW to secure space in the sessions you want to attend. Friday tours have limited space and early registration is encouraged.  See Registration Information


"People Do Business with People..."

... and the best way to meet people and showcase your company and products is to BECOME AN EXHIBITOR.


Registration Scholarship for FL Small Farmers. Application Deadline June 1, 2013

Florida small farmers who cannot attend the conference due to financial hardship have the opportunity to apply for a registration scholarship. Up to a $180 value, the scholarship covers the cost of a full conference registration. Applications will be received in order received. See Application Details.



Conference Sponsors


Sustaining Partners


Fresh From Florida

Platinum Sponsor

UF, IFAS     Sustainable UF

Gold Sponsors  

Florida A&M/CAFSWhole Foods Market

Silver Sponsors


Southern SAREVerti-Gro    
Jackman FL Natural Wagyu Beef

Bronze Sponsors 




Publix               Small Farms Academy  InterNatural Marketing      Bowen Brothers, Inc.


General Sponsors
Farm Credit      Americert International (fka OIA North America)      


Interested in sponsoring? Please visit our Sponsorship Opportunities webpage or contact Bob Hochmuth chair of the fund raising committee.

Accommodation Information

Hotel and lodging facilities offering special reduced rates specifically to our attendees are posted on the website. Make reservations now as all locations will fill before their reservation deadline.  See Accommodations 


For More Information

About the Florida small farms conference, visit the conference website: www.conference.ifas.ufl.edu/smallfarms   
About small farms in Florida, visit the small farms website: http://smallfarms.ifas.ufl.edu/

Mandy Stage, Conference Coordinator
Tel: 352-392-5930; Email: mstage@ufl.edu

Join Our Mailing List


Check the box "Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises"


Like us on Facebook


About the Conference 

Celebrating its fifth year, the Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference is a proven venue in providing farmers with up-to-date, research-based, in-depth educational information.

It facilitates networking and an open dialog among members of Florida's small farms community. 

It is also an excellent vehicle for increasing awareness of Florida's small farms industry to decision makers and supporting institutions, and partners from the public sector.


Who Should Attend 

· Beginning Farmers

· Small Farms
· Transitional Farmers

· Family Farms 

· Allied-industry Representatives

· Educators

· Researchers

· Agricultural Associations

· Policy-makers

· Foundations

· Anyone interested in becoming a part of, and strengthening the small farm community in Florida


Quick Links

Become An Exhibitor


Become a Sponsor

Registration Information



Find us on Facebook

Hosted by

IFAS Extension