Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Environmental Horticulture Fall 2015 Course announcement

New online Environmental Horticulture courses for Fall 2015 on Nutrient Management of Container-Grown Plants.


These online professional development courses on nutrient management for container-grown crops will teach the fundamentals of plant nutrition in greenhouse and nursery crops.  Lectures and assignments are in both English and Spanish.


Introductory (undergraduate level, HOS 4932, one credit) and Advanced (graduate level, HOS 6932, two credit).


Students taking the undergraduate course will be able to list the essential nutrients for plant growth; interpret a fertilizer label; understand fundamentals of managing pH and fertilizer level; perform substrate-pH and electrical conductivity (EC) tests; and identify and prevent pH and EC-related problems.


Students taking the graduate level course will also be able to select and design a fertilizer program; know how to balance factors such as limestone, water quality, and fertilizer that affect substrate-pH; perform, interpret, and act on soil, tissue, and water nutrient tests; and identify, prevent, and correct typical nutritional disorders.


To enroll, please contact Dee Boyle (deeks@ufl.edu) or Amy Alexander (amyalex@ufl.edu).


Paul Fisher

Professor and Floriculture Extension Specialist
Environmental Horticulture Dept.

2549 Fifield Hall, Hull Road

PO Box 110670

Gainesville FL 32611-0670
University of Florida

Tel 352 273 4581

Mobile 352 226 4410

Fax 352 392 3870



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