Thursday, March 30, 2017

Heartland CISMA: seeking air potato beetle demo location for 6/3, annual workshop link live and news of note

Hi all, just 12 items, including 5 from the Heartland CISMA. Remember to like and follow us on Facebook (HCISMA), Twitter (@heartlandcisma), and now Instagram (Heartlandcisma) and pass on any info you want to share!




1)      SAVE THE DATE: Central Florida Invasive Species Workshop will be Wed., April 19th at Circle B Bar Reserve  Sign-up is now live! The agenda is being finalized to be submitted for CEUs on April 4th. The presenters will talk about topics like: pre-emergent treatment of natalgrass, maintenance treatment intervals for 5 invasive plant species, ID of EDRR species including the newest ones found on the Ridge, and of course invasive exotic animals. During the full day, we'll also be featuring as always the Garden of Evil and a field ID tour for ultimate invasive plant ID practice. We're working on those CEUs and lining up sponsors for lunch, and it will be a great opportunity to meet up with your colleagues. Don't miss it!

2)      Air potato beetle demo day location sought in Polk County- Shannon Carnevale, Polk County Natural Resources Extension Agent, is looking for a site to hold air potato beetle demo day where we would release some beetles to a site. The site obviously would need to have air potato in fairly good density to sustain the beetles until they can move on to other areas and ideally, would have a picnic area or other meeting place for the demo day. The date we are working with is June 3rd. If you have a location, contact Shannon at ASAP. Also contact her if you'd like to learn how to apply for beetles and help release some (for training).



3)      Southern Pine Beetle Biology, Ecology, and Management  Apr 19, 2017 1:00 pm Live Webinar sponsored by: Southern Regional Extension Forestry / Forest Health and Invasive Species Program.

4)      Southwest Florida Non Native Fish Roundup, April 8th Roundup from 7 am until 3 pm, and a Kids Only Fishing Blitz and a cook out at the Weigh In Station at The Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Registration is FREE and prizes for adults AND kids of all ages!!!! For flyer, registration and more information:

5)      Polk Master Gardeners Garden Fest April 24th Bartow (attached)

6)      Monthly CISMA calls: to watch and listen to the recording of the March 22nd call about Mexican Bromeliad Weevil and the ARSA CISMA, go to: The next call will be April 26 1:30 about AmeriCorps Project A.N.T. and the First Coast Invasives Working Group. Find out more:


7)      Dog fennel lookalikes: Pete Deal ( , Rangeland Management Specialist with NRCS in Osceola County says," As we all know, it can be difficult to identify immature plants in the field.  This is a problem that NRCS employees encounter often.  One that was a problem recently was Dog Fennel; (Eupatorium capillifolium).  To overcome this problem I am trying to put together a training tool for NRCS employees on how to identify Dog Fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) when it is small.  I want to make a list of the plants that can be confused with Eupatorium capillifolium and how they can be identified.


I would appreciate your assistance in this effort.  To be more specific I want your input on the following questions.

·         What other species can be confused with Eupatorium capillifolium?

·         What characteristics do you use to tell the buggers apart?

·         Are the Look A Likes that only occur in specific habitats?  For example, are there plants that occur only on scrub sites that can be confused with Eupatorium capillifolium?

Chris Lockhart says:

Possibly Euthamia carolinana – also has small narrow leaves

Horsetail, Conyza Canadensis – this one tends be more clumpy when young

Sand Flax, Linum arenicola – might start off looking similar, but is more delicate

When In doubt, crush and smell the leaves.  Dog fennel has a unique scent, the others above do not.  Dog fennel can be somewhat hairy, but that is variable

Dog fennel is often seen where there is disturbance.  The seeds are wind borne, so it may pop up away from the edge, etc.


If you've got feedback, contact Pete at


8)      Hyptis brevipes sighting information sought- Edwin Bridges has identified nonnative Hyptis brevipes during his inventories in our region and Ellen Allen of SFWMD has found it at Chandler Slough. Have you seen it? Attached is more about the sighting locations, ID, and links to background info, including this from the WSSA/APHIS account, "It could pose a threat to crops and natural vegetation in warm, humid regions of the United States." Email me at if you have.

9)      Cane toad locations sought- Steve Johnson has a student who needs to collect some Cane Toads for her research and is looking for reliable locations in the northern part of the toad's range. "I know there are records from Polk County and was hoping you or your colleagues/clients might know of some specific locations my student could visit and remove toads." Contact Steve Johnson with location information at 352.846.0557 or

10)   Cogongrass locations sought- Christina Alba, a postdoc researcher at UF studying the ecology of cogongrass invasions in Florida, is looking for "cogon populations far enough from roadsides that they are not repeatedly mowed or managed by roadside crews. Although we all know that cogongrass is widespread and problematic, there is – surprisingly – very little field data on the environmental factors that determine its distribution and abundance. Such data would be highly valuable for understanding where and why it is likely to be invasive, and how to best manage invasions in various habitats. To collect these types of data, people from our lab (headed by Dr. Luke Flory) will be surveying cogon populations across the state starting in May of this year." Contact Christina Alba with location information at


Cheryl Millett
(863) 635-7506, ext. 205 (Office)

(863) 604-3352 (Cell) 
(863) 635-6456 (Fax)

Download our Nature Conservancy magazine App FREE for exclusive digital content.


The Nature Conservancy
LWR Office

P. O. Box 630
Babson Park, FL 33827-0630




Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Family Day at the Dairy Farm, Saturday April 1

The University of Florida will hold its fifth Family Day at the Dairy Farm open house on Saturday April 1, 2017 at the UF dairy farm in Hague, 20 minutes northwest of Gainesville. The public is welcome from 9 AM to 2 PM. This free event will take place rain or shine.  First held in 2013, Family Day at the Dairy Farm is educational and fun for children and adults alike. Visitors can watch cows being milked, tour barn facilities, pet calves, make butter and learn how UF/IFAS dairy research and Extension help the state’s dairy farmers produce better milk at lower cost, while keeping their herds comfortable, happy and healthy, and protecting the environment.  Family Day at the Dairy Farm is presented by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, with support from Florida Dairy Farmers Inc. and the UF College of Veterinary Medicine.  More information is available at



Albert De Vries

Associate Professor

Department of Animal Sciences

University of Florida
O: (352) 392 5594 ext. 227

C: (352) 474 3412


Monday, March 27, 2017

Tampa Bay Bee Keepers Seminar on April 8, 2017

The Tampa Bay Beekeepers Association is having an awesome training and opportunity for anyone interested in starting beekeeping or refreshing their knowledge on beekeeping on April 8 at the Upper Tampa Bay Park. Below is registration information and I've attached a flyer that you can make available for your clientele.


Check and register for current ProHort training programs:



Susan Haddock

Commercial Horticulture

Integrated Pest Management

Agent III


UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County 

(813)744-5519 ext. 54103


The registration mail-in deadline for $20.00 is April 1st , The registration Eventbrite deadline is April 7th for $20.00, at the event the charge is $25.00



The Event Facebook link is:


Please advise if you want some flyers in the office, and do you have the Extension Office contacts for Polk, Pinellas, Manatee and Pasco County?  (Or could you ask them to promote also?)


If you have ANY questions, please give me a call/text or e-mail, (813) 267-3681



Rein Verbeek

Mobile (813) 267-3681


PS: FYI, We will have our next meeting at the Tampa Bay Beekeepers Association Thursday night 3/9/17 in the back conference room at the Seffner Extension office. 





Fruit/Vegetable Production News

Core & Private Training and Testing March 30th

View this email in your browser

Please join us for Private and Core Prep Classes being held in Balm at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center on Thursday, March 30th


General Core (both 432 &487) Prep.
This is from 8:30 to 10:30.  2 Core CEUs available.  The cost of the class is $15.00.  The exam follows the class if you choose to take it.    

The link is:

Private Applicator Prep
Exam(s) follow.  This is from 10:45 to 12:45.  2 Private CEUs available. The cost of the class is $15.00.  

The link is:


If you have any questions, please contact Veronica or Martha at 941-722-4524, ext. 223 or 255.



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Our mailing address is:

UF/IFAS Extension Manatee County - Fruit/Vegetable Production

1303 17th Street West

Attn. Crystal Snodgrass

Palmetto, Florida 34221

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Weekly Harvest, March 22, 2017

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ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture

Weekly Harvest Newsletter
Sustainable Agriculture News Briefs - March 22, 2017

Weekly sustainable agriculture news and resources gleaned from the Internet by NCAT staff for the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture website. The Weekly Harvest Newsletter is also available online.

News & Resources

  • USDA Announces Aid for Midwest Farmers and Ranchers Affected by Fire
  • Report Offers Recommendations for Supporting Farmers Transitioning to Organic
  • Researchers Explore Which Farmers Would Adopt Multifunctional Perennial Cropping Systems
  • Direct-Marketing Factsheet Addresses Mobile Media Marketing
  • Wisconsin Farm to School Success Stories Featured
  • Session Proposals Sought for Community Food Systems Conference

Funding Opportunities

  • Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Grant Program
  • Idaho Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
  • Conservation Innovation Grants in New Mexico

Coming Events

  • Kentucky Grazing School
  • Prairie View A&M University Agricultural Field Day
  • Sustainable Pasture-Based Livestock Production and Beekeeping Field Day

News & Resources

USDA Announces Aid for Midwest Farmers and Ranchers Affected by Fire
USDA has announced more than $6 million in funding to implement practices that will help farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners affected by wildfires in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Funding made available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) will assist producers as they begin to restore grazing land, rebuild fencing, protect damaged watersheds, and implement conservation measures to mitigate losses. Producers must submit an EQIP application.
Related ATTRA Resource: Disaster Assistance for Agricultural Producers

Report Offers Recommendations for Supporting Farmers Transitioning to Organic
Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspectives on Organic Transition is a new report from Oregon Tilth and Oregon State University's Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems. It highlights recommendations for providing support in crop research, infrastructure, and market development, as well as shaping public policies. The report recommends adopting a values-based approach, providing individualized support, developing more effective weed- and pest-management strategies, and learning more about the relationship between yield and successful transition.

Researchers Explore Which Farmers Would Adopt Multifunctional Perennial Cropping Systems
Researchers at the University of Illinois surveyed farmers in the Upper Sangamon River Watershed about whether they would use multifunctional perennial cropping systems (MPCs) on marginal land. MPCs are trees, shrubs, or grasses that simultaneously benefit the environment and generate high-value products. The study found that "educated networkers" and "young innovators" are most likely to adopt MPCs. Outreach efforts that target these groups are likely to deliver the greatest results. The researchers also identified barriers that keep farmers from adopting MPCs.

Direct-Marketing Factsheet Addresses Mobile Media Marketing
Ohio State University Extension has released a factsheet that summarizes what marketers need to do to manage their online presence. It helps new businesses and experienced ones keep up to date on how they are viewed online, find out what information about their business is available, and learn how to connect it all with a consistent online presence.
Related ATTRA Publication: Social Media Tools for Farm Product Marketing

Wisconsin Farm to School Success Stories Featured
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at University of Wisconsin - Madison has published two new two-page Farm to School Success Stories. Sheboygan Falls: Farm to High School relates how the school has focused on preserving the bounty of its garden for use year-round in the cafeteria. Plymouth High School Food Science and Agriculture Center describes how the school was able to open a 5,100-square-foot Food Science and Agriculture Center.

Session Proposals Sought for Community Food Systems Conference
The New Entry Sustainable Farming Project is seeking proposals for workshop sessions at its Community Food Systems Conference, to be held December 5-7, 2017, in Boston. This conference will explore the intersection of food security, social justice, and sustainable agriculture. Proposals for 90-minute workshops or 5-minute lightning talks will be accepted until April 3, 2017.

>>More Breaking News

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Funding Opportunities

Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Grant Program
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is accepting applications for Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin grants. The grants can help farms and business more efficiently process, market, and distribute food in local markets including stores, schools, and institutions. The maximum award is $50,000. Qualified applicants include individuals, groups, or businesses involved in Wisconsin production agriculture, food processing, food distribution, food warehousing, retail food establishments, or agricultural tourism operations.
Pre-proposals are due by April 14, 2017.

Idaho Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for funding provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to enhance the competitiveness of Idaho-grown specialty crops. Projects must benefit more than one product or organization. Funds are available to interested local, state, and federal government agencies, non-profit and for-profit organizations, and universities.
Applications are due April 14, 2017.

Conservation Innovation Grants in New Mexico
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in New Mexico is accepting applications for $75,000 in Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG). CIG stimulates the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applicants must provide a one-to-one match, and all projects must involve EQIP-eligible producers.
The application deadline is April 21, 2017.

>>More Funding Opportunities

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Coming Events

Kentucky Grazing School
April 25-26, 2017
Princeton, Kentucky

This course, presented by the University of Kentucky, Kentucky Forage & Grassland Council, and others, includes both classroom and field sessions. Topics include animal nutrition and health, grazing planning, fencing, and more.

Prairie View A&M University Agricultural Field Day
April 28-29, 2017
Prairie View, Texas

This event raises awareness about the College of Agricultural and Human Sciences's farm activities and offers workshops for local farmers and producers on livestock and forage, small ruminants, horticulture, and vegetable production.

Sustainable Pasture-Based Livestock Production and Beekeeping Field Day
April 29, 2017
Selma, Alabama

This free, on-farm field day on developing and managing a year-round pasture system is hosted by Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension.

>>More Events

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Weekly Harvest Archives
Digital versions of recent and archived Weekly Harvest newsletters are available online.

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) logo and link to home pageATTRA was developed and is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). The program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service.

Visit the NCAT website for more information on our other sustainable agriculture and energy projects.

© 2017 NCAT

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Updated ATTRA Publication
Brambles: Organic Production

Question of the Week
What can you tell me about choosing bramble cultivars?

Ask an Agriculture Expert
Submit questions to our professional staff online or by calling 1-800-346-9140

Armed to Farm
Apply by April 28, 2017, for our week-long sustainable agriculture training for military veterans, held in Fayetteville, Arkansas, June 12-16, 2017.

ATTRA Spanish Newsletter
Subscribe to Cosecha Mensual (Monthly Harvest), ATTRA's Spanish-language e-newsletter

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ARS Newslink: March 20 - March 24

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
March 24, 2017

Building a Reliable, Low-Cost Device to Measure Moisture in Grain Bags

ARS and university scientists made a simple moisture meter which can help subsistence farmers prevent spoilage and grain loss from too much moisture in stored grains. (3/20)


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Heartland CISMA job and steering committee meeting

Hi all,


Short and sweet: attached is a job posting and you are invited to the steering committee meeting this Wed., 3/22 at Circle B Bar Reserve from 10am-noon. Call or text for more information- hope to see you there!


Cheryl Millett
(863) 635-7506, ext. 205 (Office)

(863) 604-3352 (Cell) 
(863) 635-6456 (Fax)

Download our Nature Conservancy magazine App FREE for exclusive digital content.


The Nature Conservancy
LWR Office

P. O. Box 630
Babson Park, FL 33827-0630