June 20 -26 is National Lightening Safety Awareness
week - here is some info from National Weather Service that may help keep
you and your emoployees safe.
When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!
The week of June 20-26 has been designated by NOAA's National Weather
Service as Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Lightning has special
significance in Florida, since our state leads the nation in lightning strikes.
Unfortunately, this means that Florida also leads the nation deaths and injuries
caused by lightning. South Florida is no exception to the overall state trend.
To date since 1959, 98 people have been killed by lightning in the three-
county area of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. This is the greatest
total number of lightning deaths of any three contiguous counties in the United
States. The long term yearly averages for lightning casualties in the south
Florida mainland are two deaths and nine injuries.
South Florida averages between 80 and 100 thunderstorm days per year.
So far in 2010, there has been one injury attributed to lightning in south
Florida; a woman who was struck by lightning outside her home in Jupiter on
June 1. Historically speaking, the months of June, July and August are the
deadliest months from lightning strikes. This is due to the combination of south
Florida's nearly daily summer thunderstorms and the plethora of outdoor
activities held during this time in which children are out of school.
Nevertheless, lightning is a threat year-round in south Florida, and lightning
casualties have been noted in every month except January. Statistics also
show that persons 10 to 19 years or age are the most likely to be killed by
lightning in Florida, with those in their 30s the second most likely group.
Sadly, the vast majority of these lightning casualties could have been
prevented had preventive actions been taken.
Perhaps the greatest lightning myth is that if it is not raining, lightning can't
strike. Lightning has been known to strike up to 10 miles or more away from
the main thunderstorm core, and frequently occurs within 5 miles of the
thunderstorm core. This type of lightning is often referred to as a "bolt from
the blue", but actually originates from the sides of a nearby thunderstorm
cloud and extends out horizontally from the cloud for a few miles before
reaching the ground.
At least three south Florida lightning-related deaths in recent years were
from lightning striking outside the rain area. Although many people believe this
type of lightning is rare, it occurs in virtually every thunderstorm. The key to
remaining safe from this type of lightning strike is to keep an eye to the sky
and watch for darkening skies on the horizon along with distant rumbles of
thunder. Don't just look overhead for signs of an approaching storm!
The main thing to remember regarding lightning safety is: being outside is
never safe during a thunderstorm! This includes park pavilions, picnic shelters
and baseball dugouts which provide a false sense of safety since they are
covered. Bodies of water and trees are also very dangerous places to be
during a thunderstorm.
Although being inside a hard-topped metal vehicle is safer than being outside,
it can also provides a false sense of safety and should never be a substitute
for going indoors unless there is no completely enclosed building nearby.
Vehicles are relatively safe providing that you are not in contact with the
outside shell of the car. This means placing your arms and hands on your lap
and away from the window and steering wheel. Convertible automobiles offer
no protection from lightning.
Fully enclosed buildings are the safest places to be during a thunderstorm, but
even here there are places to avoid. Stay away from open doors, windows,
screened porches and open garages, stoves, metal pipes, sinks and plugged-in
electrical devices. Stay out of the shower or bathtub and off the toilet. Do
not use a corded telephone or computer. Unplug major appliances such as
televisions and air conditioners. Lightning can enter the house through
electrical, telephone and plumbing connections.
For boaters, a measure of last resort is to crouch down in the center of the
boat away from the mast or other metal hardware. Rubber boots offer little
protection. Swimming, wading, snorkeling and scuba diving are not safe
activities during thunderstorms.
Persons struck by lightning receive a severe electrical shock and may be
burned, however they carry no electrical charge and can be attended to
safely. An unresponsive person can be revived by applying CPR. Other persons
who appear only stunned may also need medical attention.
An important lightning safety tip to remember is the following:
When outdoors, keep an eye on the sky. Look for darkening clouds, flashes of
lightning or increasing wind which may be signs of an approaching
thunderstorm. Get to a safe shelter immediately if you hear thunder. Remain in
safe shelter for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. Do not be fooled by
sunshine or blue sky.
Know the weather forecast before you head outdoors, especially if you are
responsible for the safety of others. A portable NOAA All-Hazards Radio is a
great way to monitor the latest forecasts and warnings while outdoors.
National Weather Service products such as the Hazardous Weather Outlook
and Surf Forecast describe the daily lightning danger in south Florida on a four-
tiered scale ranging from none, to slight, to moderate to high. However, any
thunderstorm can produce a lightning flash which can kill you and those
Products such as the Short Term Forecast, Special Weather Statements and
Severe Thunderstorm Warnings give information on potentially deadly lightning
in your area. These products can be found on the Miami-South Florida National
Weather Service website at weather.gov/southflorida or through NOAA All-
Hazards Radio.
For further information go to the following web site:
All the best.
Gene McAvoy
County Extension Director
Regional Vegetable Agent IV
UF/IFAS Hendry County Extension
PO Box 68
LaBelle, Florida 33975
863-674-4092 office
863-673-5939 cell
159*11449*2 Nextel DC