Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WPS and Pesticide Training Reminder

Manatee Pesticide Training Reminder


Dec 7: WPS Train the Trainer Workshop: 9am-11am, Manatee County Extension.

Need CEU’s?

The WPS TTT workshop provides CEUs in several categories. Even if you don’t need to be WPS certified, don’t miss this opportunity for CEUs. CEUs available: 2 in the following categories: Aerial, Ag. Row, Ag. Tree, O&T, Private, Forest Pest Control, and Soil and Greenhouse Fumigation.


Need to become a WPS certified Trainer?

The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is a federal program designed to protect agricultural farm workers in the production of agricultural plants. A person is qualified to teach WPS to farm workers if he/she holds a restricted use pesticide license or if he/she has completed the WPS Train the trainer course. Once a person has completed the course he/she is certified for life. 

For agenda and registration please visit: http://wpsmanatee120711.eventbrite.com/ or call Jennifer at (941)722-4524


Dec 13: Core and Private Applicator Exam Training: Tuesday Dec. 13 Core 9am-11am, Private 11am-1pm, Manatee County Extension Service. Can be taken for exam preparation or CEUs for current license holders. CEU’s available are: 2 in Core for Core class, 2 in Private Applicator for Private class.

Registration: http://12-13-11coreprivate.eventbrite.com/

Or call Jennifer at 941-722-4524



Crystal Snodgrass, M.S.
Extension Agent I, Vegetables

Agriculture & Extension Service
Community Services Department
Manatee County Government
University of Florida IFAS Extension
941-722-4524, Ext. 230
Fax: 941-721-6796


Food Safety workshop reminder

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs): Developing a Food Safety Program for Vegetable and Fruit Growers/Packers

Location: Gulf Coast Research and Education Center

14625 CR 672 Wimauma, FL 33598
Thursday, December 8

8:30 am – 4:30 pm


Presented by: University of Florida Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Manatee County Extension Service, and Hillsborough County Extension Service. 


This program is intended for fruit and vegetable growers/packers large and small. Information to be presented will include GAPs training, food safety updates, audit information, recordkeeping and resources.  A certificate of completion will be presented at the end of the class for pre-registered attendees.  This class will satisfy the annual training requirement for Florida tomato growers but will be useful to growers of all commodities. Detailed agenda to follow. 


Tentative Agenda


8:30 am                       Registration, Pre-Test


9:00 am                       Welcome, Introductions and Setting the Stage

How Do I Know What I Need?  Crystal Snodgrass, Manatee County Extension


9:30 am                       Microbiology for Growers and Packers: Understanding Organisms of Concern, Brief presentation of main organisms, how they grow, spread, etc., Keith Schneider, Food and Human Nutrition, Gainesville, FL


10:15 am                     Break


10:45 am                     An Overview of GAPs Issues, Reviewing key farm, field, packinghouse and transportation practices, Keith Schneider, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Gainesville, FL



11:30 am                     Worker Health and Hygiene, Addressing the need for worker training, including common stumbling blocks, resources, etc.,Michelle Danyluk, Citrus REC, Lake Alfred


12:15 pm                     Lunch


1:15 pm                       The Importance of Record Keeping, Making record keeping a manageable part of the your food safety plan, Renee Goodrich Schneider, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Gainesville, FL


1:45 pm                       Postharvest Handling and Sanitation, Best management practices after harvest, Keith Schneider, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Gainesville, FL


2:15 pm                       Break


2:45 pm                       Audit Perspectives: Lack of a Standardized Audit, Preparing for an audit/inspection without losing your mind, Renee Goodrich Schneider, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Gainesville


3:15 pm                       Food Safety Modernization Act Update, Keith Schneider, Food Science and Human Nutrition


3:45 pm                       Educational Materials and Resources, Discussing the resources that make things easier and more effective, 8:30 am                                   Registration, Pre-Test


4:15 pm                       How Can UF/IFAS Extension Help You in the Next Step?  Open Forum for Questions, Wrap-Up, Alicia Whidden Hillsborough County Extension


4:30 pm                       Post-test, Certificates, Adjourn



**Please Note if the minimum number of tickets is not reached, the event will be cancelled and you will be issued a refund. 


Registration Fee: $60.00 includes lunch and class workbook.

Register online here: http://gaps12-7-11.eventbrite.com

For help with registration please contact Jennifer at jeglass@ufl.edu or 941-722-4524



Crystal Snodgrass, M.S.
Extension Agent I, Vegetables

Agriculture & Extension Service
Community Services Department
Manatee County Government
University of Florida IFAS Extension
941-722-4524, Ext. 230
Fax: 941-721-6796


Holiday Hayride Scheduled for December 16th and 17th

Holiday Hayride Scheduled for December 16th and 17th


You’re invited to see the lights of George Street in Bartow the evenings of December 16th and 17th thanks to the Polk County Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Committee.

Holiday light seekers will ride on hay-laden, flatbed trailers from 6:00 to 9:00 pm on the two evenings. The tour costs $5 a person, and starts at the Polk County Farm Bureau office located at 1715 Highway 17 South in Bartow.

Proceeds from the hayride are used for the Young Farmer and Rancher Scholarship and Leadership Fund. The fund provides college scholarships to deserving Polk County high school students who choose agriculture as a career and funds leadership development activities for local YF&R members. More than $11,000 in scholarships has been awarded to date. 

Groups of 10 or more people are encouraged to make reservations by calling Polk County Farm Bureau at (863) 533-0561, ext. 112 or email info@pcfb.org.



Carole McKenzie

Executive Director

Polk County Farm Bureau

Phone: 863-533-0561 x-111

Cell: 863-581-1861

Fax: 863-533-9241


1715 US Hwy 17 S

Bartow, FL  33830



RSVP Due-Online Registration Now Available-Growing Your Farm Profits Workshop

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here


Growing Your Farm Profits


A Workshop for Individuals Interested in

Growing for Profit


Presented By:
The Small Business Development Center at the University of North Florida

(SBDC at UNF) 


University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences-Duval Extension 

 (UF/IFAS Duval Ext) 

Growing Farm Profits

Saturday, December 3, 2011

8:30 am-2:30 pm

Duval County Extension Office

1010 N McDuff Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32254-2083


This program is designed for individuals who are interested in small-scale or urban agricultural production.  This course is open to interested citizens,  new or aspiring farmers, rural or urban landowners, small farmers, and farm families looking for new ideas.  The goal of this course is to help individual's develop real-life expectations for their agricultural business.  The topics include developing a business plan for your operation, marketing, financial considerations and regulations for selling products in Florida. 


Click here to read about Urban Agriculture in Northeast Florida 



Agenda at a glance:  


9:00-Tools for Small Farms
11:15-Legal Forms of Organization
12:45-Taxes & Recordkeeping
1:30-Rules & Regulations





On-line at: http://growingprofits.eventbrite.com/ or contact the Duval County Extension Office at 904-255-7450 or the Small Business Development Center at 904-620-2476. 


Cost: $20 per person includes morning refreshments and lunch.  All participants will also receive a copy of the Beginning Farmers Resource Guide to help assist them in getting started. 




 Green Stripes


Agribusiness Center

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of North Florida developed the Agribusiness Center to help small farmers grow their bottom lines. Starting a farm, buying or selling an existing operation or growing your farm to the next level, we can help!




Duval County Ext.The small farms program in Duval County provides resources and programs highlighting opportunities for residents to participate in the local food system of Northeast Florida. This program seeks to assist small and mid-size landowners who are considering growing crops and animals for profit or personal use. It makes available the latest information designed for both beginning and experienced small farmers and ranchers.  Visit the small farms and alternative enterprises webpage at:





This email was sent to mbhenry@ufl.edu by smallbiz@unf.edu |  

SBRN | 12000 Alumni Drive | Jacksonville | FL | 32224

Monday, November 28, 2011

IFAS in the news, 11/28

Good morning and welcome back to work. Here is the week's first IFAS news scan:

Update of Promising Advanced Citrus Production System Research http://southeastagnet.com/2011/11/28/update-of-promising-advanced-citrus-production-system-research/

Why your breakfast banana may become an endangered species

Use wood, bricks for raised beds (Hillsborough) http://www2.tbo.com/lifestyles/home-and-garden/2011/nov/27/banewso4-use-wood-bricks-for-raised-beds-ar-327448/

Garden Q & A: Things to know about the plant peperomia (Duval) http://jacksonville.com/entertainment/home-and-garden/2011-11-28/story/garden-q-things-know-about-plant-peperomia

Be careful to not overuse pesticides (Okaloosa) http://www.nwfdailynews.com/articles/pesticides-45432-many-resistant.html

Newspapers don't fight nematodes (Miami-Dade) http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/11/27/2518341/newspapers-dont-fight-nematodes.html

Florida Co-op Hosts Cattle Show (Hardee/4-H)

BUSINESS CALENDAR: November 28, 2011 (first item/Santa Rosa) http://www.pnj.com/article/20111127/BUSINESS/111270317/BUSINESS-CALENDAR-November-28-2011?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Other news:

Climate talks open on ever-rising emissions http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57331845/climate-talks-open-on-ever-rising-emissions/

Director of UF Innovation Hub inspiring creativity

Sources: Meyer takes Ohio State job

Donovan can reach 400th win against Stetson tonight http://www.alligator.org/sports/basketball/article_d924e202-1980-11e1-b8ed-001cc4c002e0.html

Petition against Scott-signed diplomas gaining steam http://www.alligator.org/news/campus/article_4d4be4e4-1983-11e1-9175-001cc4c03286.html

Announcement: Free Nov 30th Workshop on EBT training

Sarasota County Extension is pleased to announce a free workshop on training for the Electronic Benefits Transfer System (EBT).   The instructor is Kim Lynons, the owner of Merchant Source (http://www.merchantsource.com/ebt_farmers_market.html).  It will cover the ABC's of EBT for a variety of users.

Farmers, come learn how you can tap into income from the Government SNAP program.  EBT can increase your income potential by accepting

non-cash payments.

Farmers' Market Managers, come learn how to implement this resource to increase business at your location.

There will be a Questions and Answers session with the instructor for your individualized needs.

Details of the workshop:

Date:  Wednesday, Nov 30, 2011

Location:  Sarasota County Extension, 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL  34241

Time:  5:00 - 7:00 pm

RSVP – yes, to rkluson@scgov.net


Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.  Please, share this email with anyone interested in this workshop . . .




Robert A. Kluson, Ph.D.

AG/NR Extension Agent

UF/IFAS Sarasota County Extension

6700 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL  34241

(941) 232-3090; FAX (941) 861-9886



"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” . . . Bobby Kennedy



ARS Newslink

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
November 25, 2011

Nematodes eyed for biocontrol:
A custom-made machine for packaging mealworms infected with beneficial nematodes could improve the delivery, timing and use of the wormlike organisms as biological control agents. (11/22) http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2011/111122.htm


Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at NewsService@ars.usda.gov
* You are subscribed to "Newslink" as mbhenry@ufl.edu.
* To change the address, please notify the ARS News Service at NewsService@ars.usda.gov.
* To unsubscribe, send a blank email to leave-204694-84528.9cd57c6e1af7d57c7b4ca2b2c824e5ca@ls.ars.usda.gov.
* Other ARS news products are available by e-mail. For details about them or to subscribe, please contact the ARS News Service or visit http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/lists.htm.
ARS News Service, Information Staff, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 NewsService@ars.usda.gov | www.ars.usda.gov/news Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

IFAS in the news, 11/23/11

Good morning! Here's the week's last IFAS news roundup. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Florida Citrus show brings experts, growers together to find solutions

More than 300 families are given holiday meals (West Florida REC) http://www.pnj.com/article/20111123/NEWS01/111230321/More-than-300-families-given-holiday-meals

Mini-gardens can safely fit veggies in many places (Hillsborough) http://www2.tbo.com/lifestyles/home-and-garden/2011/nov/22/mini-gardens-can-safely-fit-veggies-in-many-places-ar-326672/

Keep it clean, safe for Thanksgiving (Leon) http://www.tallahassee.com/article/20111123/LIVING03/111230303/Keep-clean-safe-Thanksgiving

Social media model used to predict animal movements http://www.alligator.org/news/campus/article_84c9b07a-15a7-11e1-88f3-001cc4c002e0.html

The Paper Trail: Even in down year, UF football boosts local businesses http://www.alligator.org/sports/football/article_937c2acc-1592-11e1-b7dd-001cc4c03286.html

Palm Beach County proposes fertilizer rules aimed at reducing water pollution http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/palm-beach/fl-fertilizer-crackdown-palm-20111122,0,319667.story

Other interesting stuff:

Countdown to a Food Coma

The Internet's culture of nonviolent retaliation http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/post/the-internets-culture-of-nonviolent-retaliation/2010/12/20/gIQA6pYgnN_blog.html

Report: Urban Meyer to take coaching job at Ohio State http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/os-ubran-meyer-to-go-to-ohio-state-20111122,0,7484645.story

Animal right advocate likens livestock to slaves

Hazing Probed in Florida A&M Drum Major's Death http://abcnews.go.com/US/hazing-suspected-drum-majors-death-florida-university/story?id=15014294#.Tsz9C-zmvUE

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

IFAS in the news, 11/22/11

Good morning! Here is your Tuesday morning IFAS news roundup:

Florida Citrus Show Brings Experts, Growers Together To Find Solutions http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/11/prweb8978779.htm

Manatee County considers allowing chickens in residential areas http://www.bradenton.com/2011/11/22/3671708/county-considers-allowing-chickens.html

University Of Florida 2011 Industry Poinsettia Field Day Dec. 6th

Citrus Growers And Researchers Expect A Lot From Rootstocks http://southeastagnet.com/2011/11/22/citrus-growers-and-researchers-expect-a-lot-from-rootstocks/

Saving lives with salmonella

Water resource academy students participating in variety of projects (St. Johns) http://staugustine.com/living/community/2011-11-21/water-resource-academy-students-participating-variety-projects#.Tsui4OzmvUE

Other news, mostly UF-related:

UF explains its "unique mission'' to governor

UF would help USF Polytechnic's transition, Machen says

Eat like a Mediterranean - but how?
Here's what the research says - and doesn't say - about the Mediterranean diet.

UF radio stations complete record-breaking membership campaign http://news.ufl.edu/2011/11/21/radio-campaign/

Museum's new 'Explore Research' exhibit showcases UF research http://news.ufl.edu/2011/11/21/explore-research%E2%80%99-exhibit/

Classes canceled earlier next year

UF named second most vegan friendly

Monday, November 21, 2011

IFAS in the news, 11/21/11

Good morning! Here is this shorter-than-usual week's first batch of IFAS news:

Autumn is the best season to plant shrubs and trees (Okaloosa) http://www.nwfdailynews.com/articles/roots-45312-plant-growth.html

Garden Q & A: Ouch! Get rid of Sandspurs (Duval) http://jacksonville.com/entertainment/home-and-garden/2011-11-21/story/garden-q-ouch-get-rid-sandspurs

Oranges keep cows healthy (Range cattle REC) http://www.allaboutfeed.net/news/oranges-keep-cows-healthy-12444.html

Farm-City Week Recognizes Importance Of Local Agriculture (West Florida REC)

Muhly grass puts on a fabulous fall show (Alachua) http://www.ocala.com/article/20111119/COLUMNISTS/111119718/-1/entertainment02?Title=Muhly-grass-puts-on-a-fabulous-fall-show

4-H'ers honor local veterans (St. Johns/4-H) http://staugustine.com/living/youth/2011-11-19/4-hers-honor-local-veterans#.TspQ8ezmvUE

Beekeeper stays busy selling his honey locally (Lee) http://www.news-press.com/article/20111120/BUSINESS/311210011/Beekeeper-stays-busy-selling-his-honey-locally?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home

Other news of note:

Droughts wreaking havoc on local hay growers, buyers http://www.gainesville.com/article/20111120/ARTICLES/111129989?p=1&tc=pg

As more get old, experts advise: Move it

Longtime Georgia announcer Munson dies

Friday, November 18, 2011

Polk County Farm Bureau offers Internship

Please see the attached announcement regarding an upcoming internship opportunity at Polk County Farm Bureau.


Please feel free to forward to any interested contacts.


Thank you.



Carole McKenzie

Executive Director

Polk County Farm Bureau

Phone: 863-533-0561 x-111

Cell: 863-581-1861

Fax: 863-533-9241


1715 US Hwy 17 S

Bartow, FL  33830



Free EPA Webcast on NPDES Permitting of Pesticide Discharges

Information on the NPDES requirements for discharges from pesticide applications including EPA's final PGP, the accompanying PGP fact sheet, and an interactive tool to help potential permittees determine their permitting requirements is available at: www.epa.gov/npdes/pesticides  


EPA will be hosting a webcast to discuss the implications of the Sixth Circuit Court decision on Clean Water Act NPDES permitting requirements for pesticide discharges. 

 The webcast will be split into two sessions as follows:

2:00 - 2:50 pm (EST):  Overview of the Clean Water Act NPDES permitting requirements for pesticide discharges and EPA and State roles in administering these requirements.

3:00 - 4:00 pm (EST): Information on EPA's Pesticide General Permit(PGP), which is applicable in the limited geographic areas where EPA remains the NPDES permitting authority, including six states (Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Oklahoma), the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, other U.S. territories except for theVirgin Islands, most Indian Country lands, and federal facilities in four additional states (Colorado, Delaware, Vermont, and Washington).

Intended Audience: This workshop is open to the public.

Date and Time: November 22, 2011, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern.

EPA will repeat this webcast on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 (look for registration details soon), and will also post an archived version of the presentation on the NPDES Training & Meetings Page.

Cost: Free

Webcast Sponsor: U.S. EPA's Office of Water

Webcast Registration: Space is limited so Register Here to reserve your Webcast seat now.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webcast.

Number of Participants (Course Size): up to 1,000

System Requirements:

   -    PC-based attendees

            Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

   -    Macintosh®-based attendees

            Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

Webcast Contact: Hema Subramanian, subramanian.hema@epa.gov  

Details: On October 31, 2011, EPA issued a final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Pesticide General Permit (PGP) for point source discharges from the application of pesticides to waters of the United States.  This action was in response to a 2009 decision by the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in which the court vacated EPA's 2006 Final Rule on Aquatic Pesticides and found that point source discharges of biological pesticides, and chemical pesticides that leave a residue, into waters of the U.S. were pollutants under the Clean Water Act.  As a result of the court's decision, NPDES permits are generally required for these types of discharges as of October 31, 2011.

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Weekly Harvest November 16, 2011

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NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project

Weekly Harvest Newsletter
Sustainable Agriculture News Briefs - November 16, 2011

Weekly sustainable agriculture news and resources gleaned from the Internet by NCAT staff for the NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project website. The Weekly Harvest Newsletter is also available online.

Check Your Eligibility for Whole-Farm Revenue Insurance

NCAT's online AGR-Lite Wizard allows farmers to quickly check their eligibility for AGR-Lite whole-farm revenue insurance supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency (RMA); estimate the premium cost of a policy for their farm; explore different future loss scenarios; get a better sense of likely payouts related to possible yield or price changes; and generate useful reports that can assist in purchasing the insurance.

News & Resources

  • Field Guide to the New American Foodshed Introduced
  • ERS Reports on Local Food Marketing
  • Georgia Sustainable Agriculture Consortium Launches
  • USDA Awards People's Garden Grants
  • Virginians Try Ginger as Niche Market Crop
  • Wind Resource Reports Offered in Pennsylvania

Funding Opportunities

  • WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants
  • Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program
  • Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund

Coming Events

  • Great Plains Growers Conference
  • Horticulture Industries Show
  • Planning for Food and Agriculture: Taking a Systems Approach on the County or Community Level

News & Resources

Field Guide to the New American Foodshed Introduced
Farm Credit Council and the National Good Food Network have teamed up to create a website designed to illustrate the myriad ways that farmers have been successful. Many different routes into many different markets are explained and then illustrated with case studies of actual farms and other businesses using each model.
Related ATTRA Publication: Financing Your Farm: Guidance for Beginning Farmers

ERS Reports on Local Food Marketing
A new study from USDA Economic Research Service explores farmers' use of both direct-to-consumer marketing (such as farmers markets) and intermediated channels (such as grocers and restaurants) to sell food to local consumers. This study uses nationally representative data on marketing of local foods to assess the relative scale of local food marketing channels.

Georgia Sustainable Agriculture Consortium Launches
The new Georgia Sustainable Agriculture Consortium has published a white paper titled Sustainable Food Systems for Georgia's Agrarian Future, which details the research behind the creation of the Consortium, as well as its specific goals. The PDF white paper is available online .

USDA Awards People's Garden Grants
USDA has announced 10 grants to support 155 People's Gardens—sustainable community gardens that will give residents direct access to fresh fruits and vegetables in underserved neighborhoods. Search the People's Gardens Interactive Map to find out where gardens are located.

Virginians Try Ginger as Niche Market Crop
Virginia State University and Virginia farmers are conducting a ginger production trial in a high tunnel greenhouse. The tropical plant is a high-value crop selling fresh at $15-20 per pound and offering a niche market opportunity.

Wind Resource Reports Offered in Pennsylvania
As part of its Community Wind Power project, Saint Francis University Renewable Energy Center will prepare wind resource reports for agricultural producers and rural small businesses in Pennsylvania, using existing information technology and data. For those with sufficient wind resources, the program will provide follow-on assistance with investment analysis and finding reputable wind installers.
Related ATTRA Publication: Small-Scale Wind Energy on the Farm

>> More Breaking News

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Funding Opportunities

WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants
The U.S. Department of the Interior's WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America's Resources for Tomorrow) Program is offering cost share funding for States, Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority. The funding is for projects that seek to conserve and use water more efficiently, increase the use of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency, benefit endangered and threatened species, facilitate water markets, or carry out other activities to address climate-related impacts on water or prevent any water-related crisis or conflict. Applicants must be located in the western United States or Territories. A total of $18 million in funding is available, with individual awards up to $1.5 million.
Applications are due by January 19, 2012.

Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program
NIFA requests applications for the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program to support environmental assessment research concerning the introduction of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. NIFA anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2012 will be approximately $4 million. Applications may be submitted by any United States public or private research or educational institution or organization.
A letter of inquiry is requested by December 1, 2011. Full applications are due by February 1, 2012.

Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund
The Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund provides cost-share grants to help farmers and rural communities develop new sources of agricultural income. The program makes awards of up to $10,000 to individual farmers or for collaborative farmer projects in North Carolina.
Applications are due by December 15, 2011.

>> More Funding Opportunities

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Coming Events

Great Plains Growers Conference
January 5-7, 2012
St. Joseph, Missouri

This conference features full-day workshops on high tunnel production, CSA, GAPs and honey bees. There are also tracks for farmers markets, agritourism, organic production, urban horticulture, and more, as well as keynote speakers and a trade show.

Horticulture Industries Show
January 6-7, 2012
Tulsa, Oklahoma

This conference involves two days of educational programs and trade show activities for individuals with horticultural interests in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and surrounding states. A trade show, educational sessions, and networking are offered.

Planning for Food and Agriculture: Taking a Systems Approach on the County or Community Level
December 13, 2011

Join American Farmland Trust for a series of webinars that present an opportunity for individuals working in local and regional food systems to learn from successful examples. This webinar will focus on county and community-based food and agriculture plans.

>> More Events

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National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) logo and link to home pageThe NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project was developed and is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). Visit the NCAT website for more information on our other sustainable agriculture and energy projects.

© 2011 NCAT

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Weed Management in Organic Small Grains

Question of the Week
What can you tell me about the use of treated lumber in organic operations?

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