Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ProHort Newsletter

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The year is not over yet and there is plenty of time to squeeze in an educational or certification program. Here's the run down on what's happening this fall:

Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Certification Training & Exam
October 26, 2012

UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service
Registration 7:30 am
Up to 6 CEUs available: 3 Core and 3 CEUs in Ltd. Maint., O&T/L&O, PA
Required for landscapers applying pesticides to ornamental beds.
Link for more information:

Florida Master Bee Keeper Program
November 1, 2012
UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service
Registration 7:30 am
Link for more information:

Why Landscapes Fail
November 8, 2012
John Deere Landscapes      9810 East Broadway      Tampa, FL
5:30 pm-8:30 pm
Dinner Provided
A look at frequent & often inherited problems when you take over property maintenance & how best to manage them.
2 CEUs available: 
Link for more information:

Green Industries Best Management Practices
November 15, 2012

UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension Service
Registration 8:30 am
4 CEUs available: CORE 2, O&T 2, Private 2, Comm L&O 2, Ltd Comm 2, Ltd L&O 2
Required for landscapers applying fertilizer to urban landscapes.
Link for more information:

Aquatic Pesticide License Exam Prep & Exam
December 18, 2012
UF/IFAS Polk County Extension Service
4 CEUs available - Aquatic and PA
Link for more information:


Our mailing address is:

Hillsborough Extension Office

5339 County Rd 579

Seffner, Florida 33584-3334

Copyright (C) 2012 Hillsborough Extension Office All rights reserved.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A&M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating.


PMN Update 129

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Plant Management Network News
Number 129: October 30, 2012




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From the Network ...

Resource Spotlight: The PMN Cross Journal Search


Agricultural and horticultural professionals are very busy people, often looking for just the bottom-line information. With this in mind, PMN developed the Cross-Journal Search, which searches the abstracts of our nonprofit publishing partners' peer-reviewed, applied journals. These abstracts often contain free, bottom-line information that practitioners can glean and apply to the field. And while the full-text version of some articles may also be available, a subscription is generally required by our partners to see the full text. View PMN's full list of resources.

End-of-year Subscription Discount


PMN Update Newsletter subscribers: looking for the right time to start your Plant Management Network subscription? Now can be that opportune time. Through the end of December 2012, readers can access all of PMN's resources for $10 off our regular ($45) and member-based ($38) subscription rates. This one-year subscription includes access to all PMN resources. Members of PMN's nonprofit partnering organizations qualify for the lower $38 subscription rate. Just visit PMN's personal subscription page, choose the regular or member-based rate, and enter coupon code PMN10 in the "Payment" section of the checkout process in PMN's Yahoo! store.

PMN Webcast Resources Now Even More 'Mobile Friendly'

The Plant Management Network's "Focus on" webcast resources now feature larger text and a wider content viewing area for easier browsing with mobile devices. The homepages and sections of Focus on Potato, Focus on Soybean, Focus on Corn, and Focus on Tomato also feature new and wider mastheads.

Seed Potato Certification Webcast Featured in Focus on Potato


"Seed Potato Certification" by Professor Robert Davidson at Colorado State University, will help users in the U.S. and Canada learn about the basics of seed potato certification. This presentation covers the basis for seed potato certification, the current certification processes, diseases and conditions that are the focus of inspections, and how these problems are managed through the use of clean, high quality seed potatoes. View presentation | View other potato talks

Two New Webcasts Featured in Focus on Tomato


Late Blight: "Late Blight Pandemic in Northeastern USA in 2009" by Dr. Bill Fry, Professor of Plant Pathology at Cornell University, discusses the causes of the 2009 late blight epidemic and also features a new online decision support system (DSS) that provides information to practitioners in near-real time for in season disease management decisions. Fungicide trials involved in the making of this DSS are also covered. View presentation | View other tomato talks


Diagnostics: "Novel Isothermal Amplification Technology for Identifying Plant Pathogens" by Tania Spenlinhauer, Molecular Diagnostic Product Development Specialist at Envirologix, offers an overview of a new technology, DNAble, used for identifying plant pathogens. The talk provides an overview of the amplification reaction and assay procedure, as well as a comparison of this new technology with other available diagnostic platforms. View presentation | View other tomato talks


Positions Available

Submit new employment/intern listings online.
It’s free!


o        Director and Location Coordinator

o        Extension Assistant Professor – Field Crop and Watershed Management

o        National Program Leader for Grain Crops

o        Software Development Specialist – Program Manager


Check it out by going to the PMN Employment/Internship Posting Service.


Last Month’s Most Popular Articles

Applied Turfgrass Science: Usefulness of Non-Chemical Water Conditioners for Managing Turfgrasses and their Rootzones  Summary | Article

Crop Management: Effect of Land Application of FGD Gypsum on Plant Yield and Crop Nutrient Concentration   Summary | Article

Forage and Grazinglands: Fall Harvesting of Alfalfa in North Dakota Impacts Plant Density, Yield, and Nutritive Value   Summary | Article

Plant Health Progress: Pythium Root Rot of Flue-Cured Tobacco Seedlings Produced in Greenhouses: Factors Associated with its Occurrence and Chemical Control   Summary | Article

Applied Turfgrass Science

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Relative Resistance of Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars to Sclerotinia homoeocarpa and Typhula incarnata  Summary | Article



Fall Mowing Leads to Healthier Spring Lawns   Article

U of M-led Project Could Mean Improved Grass Options for Homeowners, Public Spaces   Article

How to Restore Native Grasslands in the Interior Pacific Northwest   Article

Sod Farmers Hope Worst Years Are Over   Article



New Articles from . . .

Applied Turfgrass Science - Crop Management
Forage and Grazinglands - Plant Health Progress

Crop Management

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Winter Wheat Yield Response to Wide Rows Varies By Year in the Southern Ohio River Valley  Summary | Article

Soybean Yield Loss Caused by Node Removal  Summary | Article

Evaluation of Dairy and Cash Grain Farmers’ Perceptions of the Value of Manure  Summary | Article



Short Growing Season Meets Match in New Syngenta Sunflower Hybrid   Article

How to Determine Sugarbeet Harvest Losses   Article

Sulfur Amendments May Boost Tomato Yields, UF Researchers Report   Article

Phosphorus: An Essential Element for Farming   Article

Understanding the Basics of Soybean Fertility   Article

Chateau Herbicide Approved for Fallow Bed Use in California Transplanted Tomato Beds   Article

Get the Upper Hand Against Resistant Weeds This Fall With Sharpen Herbicide   Article

PhytoGen Brand PHY 499 WRF Is the Most Widely Planted Cottonseed in the United States   Article

Reconditioning Soybeans in Storage Poses Problems   Article

DuPont Instigate Herbicide Adds Flexibility for Weed Control in Corn   Article

Controlling Volunteer Corn Before Fall-Seeded Small Grains   Article

Nitrogen Management This Fall   Article

FiberMax and Stoneville App Makes Seed Selection Process Easier   Article

Getting to the Root of Soybean Stress   Article

Farmers Continue to Take Proactive Approach for Controlling Tough Weeds With Roundup Ready Plus Weed Management Solutions   Article

Worsening Drought Picture for Minnesota   Article

Early Harvest Data Shows Significant Yield Advantage With Optimum AQUAmax Products From DuPont   Article

DuPont Pioneer Advances 34 New Soybean Varieties for 2013 Planting   Article

Decades Old Weed Seeds Trigger New Outbreak of Devastating Plant Parasite   Article

Plant Health Progress

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Identification of Anguina funesta from Annual Ryegrass Seed Lots in Oregon  Summary | Article

Impact of Tobacco Thrips on Cowpea  Summary | Article



Flaming to Reduce Inocula of the Boxwood Blight Pathogen, Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum, in Field Soil  Summary | Article

Association of Spirea Stunt Phytoplasma with a Disease of Spiraea spp. in Minnesota  Summary | Article

Mixed Groundnut bud necrosis virus and Okra yellow vein mosaic virus Infection of Okra in India  Summary | Article



Watch Your Hops Plantings for Hop Cyst Nematodes   Article

Growers Encouraged to Watch for Mobile Soybean Pests   Article

Tomato Spotted Wilt Can Be a Northern Vegetable Problem   Article

New App Lets You Report Invasive Species   Article

New Pest Found in Fruit Crops   Article

Aflatoxin Less Pervasive Than Expected   Article

Alien Invaders: Site Addresses Invasive Pests   Article

New Agrisure Duracade Trait From Syngenta Receives EPA and FDA Approval   Article

Molds in Stored Grain   Article

'Tree Doctor' App Can Help Homeowners Diagnose Problems   Article

Phytoplasma (Aster Yellows) Identified on Michigan Soybeans   Article

Marrone Bio Innovations' Grandevo Bioinsecticide Receives California State Registration   Article

Biology and Management of the Green Stink Bug   Article

NipsIt INSIDE Insecticide Registered as a Seed Protectant in Rice   Article

Zampro Fungicide From BASF Receives EPA Registration   Article

Potato Growers Urged to Take Aggressive Action to Control Bacterial Ring Rot Flare-up   Article

Fall Armyworms Marching Across Georgia Hay Fields   Article

Forage and Grazinglands

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K-State Vet Urges Livestock Producers to Check Nitrate, Prussic Acid Levels in Forages Article

Summer Pasture Realities Lead to Winter Forage Supply Woes Article

The Economics of Legume Planting Article

Producers: Still Time to Eliminate Weeds in Hay and Pasture Fields Article

Corn Stalks Provide Alternative Forage for Beef and Dairy Farms Article

Replacing Hay With Winter Pasture Requires Action Now Article

Copyright ©2012

IFAS in the news, 10/31

Good morning. Here is today’s IFAS-related news:

UF/IFAS research: Typical populations of bedbugs can cause harmful blood loss in humans                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Can genetic engineering make better flowers?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Christmas cheer is here (Santa Rosa)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

November Environmental Horticulture Programs (Alachua)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Researchers seek to boost tomato productivity, lower input requirements                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Tomato flavor was helped along by a 'jumping gene'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,0,4464475.story?track=rss

EXTENSION CONNECTION: Task force studies oyster decline (Franklin)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Farm to table cooking showcased (St. Johns)


UF and other news:


Routines Restart, if With Less Power and Public Transit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Shands re-opens pancreas transplant program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


University panel flunks with tuition proposal,0,1988857.story


Storm Victims, Obama’s Leadership in FEMA’s Fugate Hands                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Labor remains a contentious issue for agriculture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Dengue fever strikes Orlando-area man near UCF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

William Roe and Sons: Betting on tangerines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Students experience alcohol whilst sober                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Temperatures to rise starting today