2011 UF/UGA Corn Silage and Forage Field Day
June 16, 2011
University of Georgia - Tifton Campus
Tifton, GA
7:30 Registration
8:00 Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Joe West, Assistant Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia – Tifton Campus
8:15 Tour variety test plots
9:40-10:20 Educational Stops
A. Agronomic Issues:
Improving nitrogen fertilizer use – Dr. Glen Harris, UGA, Tifton
Update on weed control in corn and forage sorghum – Dr. Eric Prostko, UGA, Tifton
B. Forage Preservation:
Inoculants for preserving corn and bermudagrass forages – Dr. Adegbola Adesogan, UFL, Gainesville
Reducing DM and nutrient loss in high moisture forage – Mr. Oscar Queiroz, UFL, Gainesville
C. Forage Utilization:
Use of byproduct to supplement forages for beef cattle - Dr. Lawton Stewart, UGA, Athens
Use of byproducts to reduce feed cost in dairy rations – Dr. Charlie Staples, UFL, Gainesville
10:20 Break
10:40-11:30 Education Stops (repeat sessions)
11:30 Visit exhibitors
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Field Demonstrations at Dairy Research Center
A. Reducing feeding losses of hay – Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA, Athens
B. Processing baleage and hay for use in TMR, Dr. John Bernard, Tifton
More Information on website http://animal.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/CSFD/CSFD- Directions Exit 64 on I-75, north on Hwy 41 to RDC Drive, turn West and park at UGA-Tifton Campus Conference Center. Shuttles will transport to registration and exhibit area.
Mary Beth Henry
Small Farms/Pesticide Licensing
Extension Agent I, UF/IFAS Extension Polk County
1702 HWY. 17 S, Bartow, FL 33831 T: 863.519.8677 x 102 F: 863.534.0001
mbhenry@ufl.edu http://polksmallfarms.com http://smallfarms.ifas.ufl.edu/
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