Monday, October 31, 2016

Upcoming Training- Canning, Goats and Chickens! Oh my!

egister today!


Check Out Upcoming Small Farms and Pesticide Training Programs!


UF IFAS Extension logo


Polk Small Farms & Pesticide Training Update


Greetings from the UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Office!


Canning this Friday... Goats next week in Hardee...  Backyard chickens in a couple weeks... Hope to see you there!


Canning Under the Cottage Law, Fri, November 4


Small Ruminant Production Conference

Nov 3 in Tavares and Nov 10 in Wauchula.

See flyer below... Looks like the links are on the fritz at the moment...


Backyard Chickens 101, Sat Nov 12


You can always check the calendar yourself here:





November 2016




Nov 2


Florida Ag Expo

Nov 3


Small Ruminant Production Conference
Flyer Registration

Nov 4


Canning Under the Cottage Law

Nov 7


Pesticide exam - Testing starts promptly at 9:00am
FAQ Fact Sheet (863) 519-1049
Instructions to register to take exam on computer

Nov 10


Small Ruminant Production Conference
Flyer Registration

Nov 12


Backyard Chickens 101
Flyer  Registration


December 2016




Dec 5


Pesticide exam - Testing starts promptly at 9:00am
FAQ Fact Sheet (863) 519-1049
Instructions to register to take exam on computer

Dec 7


Green Industries Best Management Practices
(863) 519-1049

Dec 12


SW FL Small Farm Networking meeting  Details and  registration coming soon

Dec 15


Core and Private Applicator Exam prep and Worker Protection Standards Train the Trainer
CEUS  Flyer   Registration

Dec 15


Aquatics and Natural Areas Exam preps





Mary Beth Henry, Extension Agent II | UF/IFAS Extension Polk County | 863 519-1049 || http://polksmallfarms.com



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View our videos on YouTube


University of Florida IFAS Polk County Extension, 1702 Hwy 17 S., PO Box 9005 Drawer HS03, Bartow, FL 33831



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ARS Newslink: October 24 - October 28, 2016

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
October 28, 2016

Wasp and Scale Insects Help Control Giant Reed

ARS scientists are reducing the amount of giant reeds growing along the border of along Texas’ Rio Grande through the use of biocontrol insects. (10/26)


U.S. National Arboretum Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Its Bonsai Museum

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the U.S. National Arboretum's National Bonsai & Penjing Museum in the nation's capital. (10/27)


Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the  Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at
* You are subscribed to "Newslink" as
* To change the address, please notify the ARS News Service at
* To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
* Other ARS news products are available by e-mail. For details about them or to subscribe, please contact the ARS News Service or visit
ARS News Service, Office of Communications, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 |
Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Heartland CISMA: 10/27 steering committee meeting, HalloWeed, new EDRR species, upcoming Osceola CISMA training and lots of information

Hi all,  18 items, including three from the Heartland CISMA, other events, requests for info and lots of new info. Remember to like and follow us on Facebook (HeartlandCISMA), Twitter (@heartlandcisma), and now Instagram (Heartlandcisma) thanks to Brendan Myers!




1)      The next Heartland CISMA steering committee meeting is this Thursday, October 27th, 10am-noon at Circle B, and you are invited!-  Even if you haven't attended before, we'd love to see you. It will end at noon. We want your practical, creative, analytical minds there. This is where such great ideas as the recent sold-out Aquatic Workshop are cooked up. All are welcome and there is no obligation when you attend. We hope to see you next week!


2)       HalloWeed is happening NOW through November 6th! Spooky!  Attached is a flier for HalloWeed. Print and share since it is happening NOW. The goal is to get more good points reported in EDDMapS so we have a better understanding of invasive distribution in our CISMA. If you want to give a presentation to a group and show them how to download the IveGot1 app and/or enter data, there are training presentations on the right here: . This is the perfect time to get your own data in there too!




3)      Speaking of EDDMapS data, here are two recent alerts for new plants found in our CISMA-

Tropical nutrush (Scleria microcarpa)- Attached is a tentative ID guide for distinguishing the new EDRR species, tropical nutrush (I'll send out the Weed Alert with official info as soon as it comes out). This was spotted around Lake Hatchineha in Osceola and Polk Counties and there may be a survey workday for Lake Kissimmee soon- stay tuned.

4775714 twoleaf nightshade (Solanum diphyllum) - Polk County, Florida, United States Observed on September 21, 2016




4)      The Biology, Diagnosis, and Epidemiology of Oak Wilt in the Southeastern U.S. a webinar this Wed., October 26th at 1pm about the identification, biology, and management of oak wilt, with emphasis on the southeastern U.S by the Southern Regional Extension Forestry / Forest Health and Invasive Species Program.


5)      Monthly CISMA Online meeting-  Wednesday, October 26th at 1:30pm. Email Rose Godfrey at if you need to know how to log in or call in. Always 1 hour of great information! This month's agenda:

·        News you can use: What to do after you kill the weeds - Nancy Bissett

·        CISMA Update: Surprise CISMA update

·        Shout Outs:  Fourth Call on Adobe Connect (new platform), 3rd Annual Fall HalloWeed Count, Annual CISMA Lead Refresher Course, FLEPPC CISMA Session topics, Upcoming and recent FISP/CISMA events, NISAW.

For presentations from previous calls:

6)      Social Media for Science Communication: Enhancing your audience engagement and using social media analytics, a webinar this Thursday, October 27, 2016, 2:00-3:00 p.m. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

7)      Osceola CISMA ID training opportunity, November 19th. The free, short training opportunity will focus on EDRR and top priority species for Osceola County. The class is 90 minutes and will offer one CEU for either natural areas or right or ways. Again the class is free and open to anyone. It will be held November 19th at the extension building at Osceola Heritage park. There is no pre-signup, but to receive CEUs you will need to arrive and be signed in prior to the 9am start time. Please see the attached informational Flyer.



8)      Ivy gourd sightings- Here in the Big Scrub CISMA, we are seeing this plant more and more around gas stations…………oh no ivy gourd!  Often these medicinal/edible plants from other countries are planted for easy access by people who don't have yards of their own.  One more problem.  They pop up in our community gardens also and then the wildlife takes them away.  Apparently it's on the EDRR list for the Suncoast CISMA.  Is anyone else seeing this thing popping up? Ben Gugliotti, Lake County Water Authority,  

9)      Milletia pinnate info- I am working on a re-assessment for Milletia pinnate (formerly Pongamia). I need expert information on populations of this tree in south florida. Information needed includes ecological impacts, management costs, number and size of populations, etc.  Attached is the questionnaire to fill out. And as always, I truly appreciate your help with this. The IFAS Assessment relies on your input!!! Deah Lieurance – UF.



10)   2016-2018 National Invasive Species Council (NISC) Management Plan! The document is available for viewing and downloading In conjunction with the release of the NISC Management Plan, the NISC Co-Chairs have issued a Call to Action - the first post of many that will become available on the NISC Secretariat's What Matters blog. The Call to Action is available at:

11)   Weed Risk Assessments from USDA-The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture routinely conducts weed risk assessments (WRAs) as part of its ongoing mission to protect US plant resources. A weed risk assessment is a science-based evaluation of the potential of a plant species to establish, spread, and cause harm in agricultural and natural systems. We post completed WRAs on our website for transparency, but also so that stakeholders may use them as resources in their own programs and activities. To access these WRAs, please visit our website.

You may sign up with the APHIS Stakeholder Registry to receive messages when we complete and post new WRAs to our website. The Registry allows anyone who can access the Internet, anywhere in the world, to subscribe to topics we provide that are of interest to them.  To subscribe, click hereYou can receive either text messages or emails per your choosing.  You will be presented with topics and you should select those that are of interest. PPQ has added short descriptions to most of our topics summarizing the kind of information that we post to that topic. For information about weed risk assessments, select any or all of the following topics:  Federally Regulated (Noxious Weeds), Plants for Planting, Risk Analyses and Assessments (PRAs) You can unsubscribe or change your selections at any time by returning to the subscription screen, or clicking on the link provided in the footer of messages you will receive.

12)   Cogongrass Management - Past, Present and Future a pdf of a past webinar from Florida's Greg Wheeler about the identification, biology, and management of cogongrass in the southeastern U.S

13)   A look at what's predicted for southern forests over the next 50 years: Forests of the South's Coastal Plain | CompassLive from Southern Research

14)   Argentine ant removal on Santa Cruz Island:

15)   Endangered Key Largo woodrats and feral cats:


16)   Caesar weed blast from the past via Greg Jubinsky: "These days, it seems as though wherever I go and meet with land managers south of Gainesville, Caesar weed seems to always comes up in the conversation.  I came across this 17 year old article by Dan Austin and thought I'd share it with those I know are struggling with it.  Please share."


17)   Fascinating (and frightening) host shift for EAB (Emerald ash borer) to olives:


18)   Prior planning key to restoration goals:  "Assessing feasibility in invasive plant management: a retrospective analysis of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) control," in Restoration Ecology, calls attention to and demonstrates the applicability of pre-project planning tools, such as the Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool (IPMDAT) and WeedSearch, designed to give invasive species and land managers a more realistic picture of the commitment that may be required in order to achieve specific restoration goals. The full article is attached. Links to the online abstract and web-interface of the IPMDAT can be found here: and


Cheryl Millett
(863) 635-7506, ext. 205 (Office)

(863) 604-3352 (Cell) 
(863) 635-6456 (Fax)

Download our Nature Conservancy magazine App FREE for exclusive digital content.


The Nature Conservancy
LWR Office

P. O. Box 630
Babson Park, FL 33827-0630




Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2016 Small Ruminant Production Conference

The Small Ruminant Production Conference is an educational effort of the UF/IFAS Central Florida Livestock Agents Group in coordination with South Florida Beef and Forage  Group. It is an annual program that has met the educational needs of many sheep and goats producers in Florida for the past five years.
The 2016 Small Ruminant Production Conference this year will be held in two locations: on November 3rd UF/IFAS Lake County will be hosting and then on the 10th of the same month UF/IFAS Extension Hardee County will hold the same program.
Our conference this year will be packed with great information all around for sheep and goat producers.
The topics covered include:
- Genetic Improvement of sheep and goats
- Pasture management strategies
- Milk Production and mastitis prevention
- Alternative marketing
- Animal health
- Animal selection though linear appraisal
If you would like to register or more information you can call the Hardee County Extension office at 863-773-2164 /
**Pre-registration is required.


Thank you!


Jonael Bosques 



County Extension Agriculture Agent & CED

UF/IFAS Extension Hardee County

507 Civic Center Drive

Wauchula, FL 33873-9460

(863)773-2164 – Phone

(863)773-6861 – Fax

Email -

Like us on Facebook!



An Equal Opportunity Institution.


Friday, October 21, 2016

ARS Newslink: October 17- October 21, 2016

Web links to stories issued October 17- October 21, 2016

ARS News Service
USDA Agricultural Research Service
October 21, 2016

Finding the Best Fertilizer Recipe for Southeast's Forage Grass

By studying the effects of nutrients applied at different rates, an ARS scientist in Georgia developed a formula for optimally fertilizing fields used to produce forage grass in southeastern United States. (10/19)


Newslink is the weekly e-mail pointer for web links to stories issued by the  Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

* Send feedback and questions to the ARS News Service at
* You are subscribed to "Newslink" as
* To change the address, please notify the ARS News Service at
* To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
* Other ARS news products are available by e-mail. For details about them or to subscribe, please contact the ARS News Service or visit
ARS News Service, Office of Communications, Agricultural Research Service
5601 Sunnyside Ave., Room 1-2251, Beltsville MD 20705-5128 |
Phone (301) 504-1636 | fax (301) 504-1486

Florida Invasive Plant Technician wanted - Palatka, FL

I have another Invasive Plant Technician vacancy, this one is for the Palatka location.


 This is skilled work applying a variety of herbicides to control invasive aquatic and terrestrial vegetation.


Job duties include:

·        Measures, mixes, and safely applies herbicide spray mixtures pursuant to label directions to selectively control infestations of aquatic and terrestrial vegetation; assists with the calibration of herbicide application equipment; posts warning signs in treated areas to inform the public of any water use or re-entry restrictions; operates computerized herbicide delivery system, airboats with injection systems and batch system, ATVs and pickups with batch systems and back-pack sprayers; makes some on-site decisions on methods of application for control of target vegetation, weather conditions, and other environmental issues.

·        Conducts inspection of District Conservation Areas and public waterbodies in order to locate infestations of invasive plants and post-treatment inspections for effectiveness of control methods.

·        Records amounts and types of herbicides and related chemicals used, areas treated, environmental conditions on required state, federal, and District forms. Forms include associated paperwork and entry of data in District's Access Database for Invasive Plants.. Maintains weekly log of incoming and outgoing herbicides.

·        Assists in the management of District lands by participating in prescribed burning or suppressing wildfires. Operates fire equipment; including, engines, dozers, airboats, ATV's and marsh masters during prescribed burns and while suppressing wildfires; marking boundaries; participating in silvicultural activities.

·        Loads and operates boats, trucks, ATVs and trailers with safety gear, herbicides, and other necessary equipment; unloads and cleans vehicles and equipment at the end of the day.

·        Attends application training and safety classes to learn necessary information to receive certification; attends training and safety classes to maintain necessary certification and remain current on advances in the field technology and changes in state and federal rules and regulations.

·        Operates airboats, kickerboats, towboats, chain saws, small hand tools, and portable winch in the mechanical removal of vegetation jams, tussocks, and fallen trees which block navigation, access, and water control structures; enters water to remove snags, debris, or other obstacles when necessary.

·         Modifies and makes field repairs to boats, ATVs, trailers, and application equipment.

·        Maintains some public contact to address concerns, explain water use restrictions, and disseminate information about the program.

·        Assists Supervisor in overseeing work of contractor. Communicates instructions regarding working areas, target species, and herbicide mix rates. Conducts pre, and post treatment herbicide inventories. Records hourly weather conditions and makes onsite treatment decisions based on weather data.


Job Requirements

A high school diploma or G.E.D., two years of natural resource management experience; or formal education in a related field such as natural resource management, agriculture, or weed science may substitute for work experience.  Must have a valid Florida Driver's License and a valid State of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Restricted Use Pesticide License.  Shall have or obtain Aquatics and Natural Areas category certificates within six months of employment. 


SJRWMD has determined this to be a mandatory-testing position as described in Section 440.102, Florida Statutes. Any offer of employment for a mandatory-testing position will be contingent upon successfully passing a drug screening paid by SJRWMD. The SJRWMD Drug Free Workplace Policy is available for review in the Careers section at - Select Available positions, Location: Palatka, FL, and hit Search.


Thanks -


Missy McDermont

Human Resources Analyst

Office of Human Resources

St. Johns River Water Management District
P.O. Box 1429  ●  Palatka, FL 32178-1429
Office: (386) 329-4282  ●  Cell: (386) 227-0170


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• Emails to and from the St. Johns River Water Management District are archived and, unless exempt or confidential by law, are subject to being made available to the public upon request. Users should not have an expectation of confidentiality or privacy.
• Individuals lobbying the District must be registered as lobbyists (§112.3261, Florida Statutes). Details, applicability and the registration form are available at

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