I am teaming up with the Conservation Trust for Florida, UF IFAS, Florida Forest Stewardship Program, UF-School for Forest Resources and Conservation, Tampa Bay Trust and the Tampa Bay Forest Working Group to put on a statewide workshop on Conservation Easements.
Please take a look at the agenda, it is very complete and filled with excellent and relevant professionals from many disciplines (note my addition of Mike Gutter, Ph.D from Family Financial Management, UF ) who will be on hand to provide detailed assistance to landowners interested in establishing methods for ensuring the intergenerational transfer of their land.
I would appreciate at it if you could promote this program to our region's CEDs and to the DEDs in the South and Central Extension Districts. Such programs as these have not occurred in Florida on a regular basis and the need for this type of information is critical during these difficult financial times.
As always thanks for your help .. Rob
Rob Northrop
Extension Forester
University of Florida/ Hillsborough Co. Extension
5339 County Road 579
Seffner, Florida 33584
813-744-5519 x106
"Conservation is not concerned only with the natural resources of the earth. Rightly understood, it includes also the relation of these resources and their scarcity or abundance to the wretchedness or prosperity, the weakness or strength of peoples, their leaning towards war or towards peace, and their number and distribution over the earth." Gifford Pinchot
The Tampa Bay Watershed Forest Working Group has a new website up. http://tampabayforest.org/
ReplyDeleteI forgot to make th link live: http://tampabayforest.org/